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What dishes do fish balls go with to make soup

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What dishes do fish balls go with to make soup


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    There are many ways to eat fish balls. The most common way to eat fish balls is to cook soup. For example, it can be used to make cabbage fish ball soup or winter melon soup. It is not only delicious, but also very fresh and nutritious. Naturally, it can also be made into curry vegetable fish ball soup, which is a common fish ball soup. Although it is delicious, the nutritional ingredients are also very good. It has a certain function of health care.

    What kind of food do shrimp balls make delicious soup

    One is to use Chinese cabbage to make soup, and the other is to use watermelon or deep fry it. First, cook it, then deep fry it and add chilli, so that it can be fried, and then add fish balls after the chilli is cooked in oil, so that it can put some shredded bamboo shoots, eggs, noodles, and so on. In short, it is also optional. Finally, it will be fried very fragrant, and its name can be called Sanxian shrimp balls.

    How to cook shrimp balls with curry vegetables

    Raw materials: 6 tomatoes, 1 potato, 2 carrots, 1/2 small pumpkins, 5 purple skin small onions, 1/4 broccoli, 1 apple, 100g shrimp balls, 80Ml black pepper sauce, 500ml big bone soup (or cold water), salt, white sugar, black pepper powder, and proper oil.

    Method: cut the pumpkin into small pieces by digging the foundation pit and removing the seeds. Clean and slice the tomatoes. Clean and cut potatoes and carrots into grids. Scallion peels off the skin and cuts into thick pieces. The broccoli is washed and torn into small flowers. Clean the apple and cut the outer peel into grids. Add a little oil in the pot, heat it up, heat it to 60% heat, and then put the onion slices into the pot to stir fry until fragrant, and then put the wax gourd, potato, carrot and black pepper sauce into the pot to stir fry for a while. Pour the big bone soup (or cold water) into the pot, cover the fire and boil it, turn it to a gentle fire, and cook it slowly for another 20 minutes, and often turn the bottom of the pot to mix, to prevent the bottom of the pot from burning. Finally, put shrimp balls, broccoli flowers, apple pieces and tomatoes into the pot, boil them in the fire and cook them for 10 minutes. Finally, add some salt, white sugar and black pepper seasoning.

    Thai Spicy Seafood Fish Ball Soup

    Raw materials: fungi, lemongrass, Zhitian pepper, ginger slices, shrimp, shrimp balls, squid circles, vegetable oil, fish sauce, green lemonade.

    Method: Clean mushrooms, lemongrass and chili and cut them into pieces respectively. Clean ginger and cut them into pieces. Cut off the shrimp whiskers and the shrimp gun and pick out the mud sausage on the back. Pour proper vegetable oil into the pot, add fungi, lemongrass, fingertip pepper, ginger and stir fry for a while, and then pour proper Dongyingong seasoning to stir fry the fragrance. Add shrimp, shrimp balls and squid rings into the pot, add some cold water and coconut milk, stir, and boil the shrimp until it turns red and bent. Add a small amount of fish sauce seasoning, add vanilla and squeeze proper green lemonade before cooking.

    1. Who can't eat fish balls

    Damp heat constitution and phlegm damp constitution are not suitable for taking.

    2. Scope of application of shrimp balls

    The general population can eat. People with cardiovascular disease, weak physique and poor appetite are very popular.

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