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How long does it take to cook with a pressure cooker

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How long does it take to cook with a pressure cooker


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    With the obvious improvement of living standards, people's cooking methods have also changed a lot. Nowadays, many people like to cook with pressure cookers. The white rice cooked with pressure cookers takes a short time, and the boiled white rice is still very fragrant. The method of cooking with pressure cooker is very simple, which is suitable for many women who have no time to cook after work early. After all, everyone is very busy now. In many cases, there is no time to cook after work.

    Cooking with pressure cooker

    First, measure the rice with a rice beaker, pour it into a pressure cooker, and wash the rice with cold water for at least three times. It is not necessary to wash it too many times to prevent the destruction of nutrients. Then, put in just enough water to cook dry rice. Generally, the water does not exceed a little rice. Cover the pressure cooker and soak the rice for more than 30 minutes to cook dry rice. The rice cooked in this way is soft. After 30 minutes of soaking, turn on the liquefied gas to regulate the fire. The first pressure cooker refueling sound is the sound of the pressure valve opening. After about 10 minutes of refueling, turn down the pressure cooker, turn down the fire, and then turn off the fire after 2 minutes of high pressure. After another three minutes of high pressure, turn off the fire, and open the pressure cooker to load rice after the pressure valve on the pressure cooker falls down. In this way, only 20 minutes of hot white rice will be ready. Cooking with pressure cooker is fast and sure to eat!


    1. It is not necessary to wash the rice too many times to avoid damaging the vitamin b21 inside

    2. Before cooking, it is better to soak the rice in cold water for more than 30 minutes, so that the cooked rice will be more soft

    3. Don't open the pressure cooker to load rice until the pressure valve falls down, otherwise the work pressure will cause risks.

    Common problems in using pressure cooker

    (1) Do not exceed the limit. When the working pressure in the boiler causes, there is basically no safety buffer room. When heating again, the working pressure increases, causing explosion. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the ingredients in the pot shall not exceed 2/3 of the total capacity, preferably not more than 1/2.

    (2) Before each cover, carefully check whether the vent hole of the cover management center is unobstructed. If the light is not bright, the air blowing inspection is not smooth, and there is no doubt that it is blocked, it must be removed before it can be covered.

    (3) After the cover is closed, the more scientific research method is to first do not use the pressure limiting valve, and then add the pressure limiting valve immediately after the forced cold air in the boiler is heated and discharged (based on the uniform heat flow from the hole of the management center).

    (4) Before adding the pressure limiting valve, check the drain hole on the pressure limiting valve. The method can be used to blow air into the hole for inspection, and the separation and drainage holes will smoke if they are unobstructed. If it is blocked, it can be used after being poked with iron wire.

    (5) No pressure cooker is needed to cook beans, rice porridge, ribs and kelp soup. The foam plastic caused by the high pressure in the boiler can block the management center hole and the pressure limiting valve drain hole, causing risks.

    (6) At the beginning of cooking, the fire was used, and the slow fire was used after the air was short.

    (7) When using fire as a pyrogen, be careful not to overheat the door handle of the pressure cooker. Children and those who cannot stand on their own feet in daily life cannot use the pressure cooker.

    (8) It is not allowed to contain and cook acid/alkali/salt and other highly corrosive objects. The operation method of electric pressure cooker is also similar.

    (9) After the pressure cooker is used, it should be cleaned and wiped in an all-round way, especially when the pot ring is not soaked in vegetable oil for a long time, and the lid should be placed upside down on the pot.

    (10) Generally, the service life of pressure cooker is 8 years, and it must not be "extended service". If it is beyond 8 years, it can not be used no matter whether it is broken or not.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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