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Efficacy and contraindication of powdered banana

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Efficacy and contraindication of powdered banana


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Fenjiao is also known as millet banana. The appearance of millet banana is very similar to other banana apples when they were young. It is basically hard to distinguish the true from the false. It also grows on the plantain tree. Fenjiao contains rich and colorful nutritional elements. In addition to fresh, it can also be produced and processed into canned fruit food, dried and air dried into banana powder, banana flakes or alcohol liquor, and can be produced and processed into banana apple flavor as a flavoring for various drinks. Now let's discuss the function and efficacy of plantain.

    Nutritional composition

    1. Millet banana contains carbohydrate compounds, which can store and show energy, maintain the electric energy necessary for brain nerves, and regulate fat decomposition.

    2. You can also show dietary fiber to save protein; It can dispel toxin and improve gastrointestinal function.

    3. Millet banana is rich in copper, which has a key impact on blood and nerve center.

    4. Millet banana has a lot of potassium and magnesium. Magnesium has the practical effect of alleviating fatigue.

    Taking effect

    1. Calm the nerves, help sleep and eliminate annoyance: the carbohydrate compounds of millet banana can supplement the glucose consumed by human brain, and reduce the fatigue, anger, dizziness, insomnia, loose concentration, extremely dry mouth, depression, and even hallucinations in the head. In addition, magnesium is also a practical effect to alleviate fatigue.

    2. Nourishing yin and reducing fire: millet plantain is good for moistening the throat and eliminating dryness, making people fresh and comfortable. For those with dry throat and sore throat, it is beneficial to relieve the symptoms of mouth.

    3. Runchang: Millet banana can moisturize the intestines and stomach, maintain the wet excreta in the intestines, promote digestion, and avoid constipation.

    4. Lipid reduces blood pressure: the potassium of millet banana can prevent blood pressure from rising, make blood pressure easier to control, soften and maintain blood vessels, and reduce blood sugar and cholesterol in the body.

    5. Balanced nutrition: Millet banana fruit is rich in nutrition, with 21g of carbon containing water compounds, 1.4g of protein and 0.2g of body fat for every 100g. It also contains a variety of nutrients, which is more fragrant, delicious and nutritious than ordinary banana apples.

    Scope of application

    It is suitable for people with dizziness, drowsiness, tiredness, tinnitus and dizziness.

    Taboo group

    People with weak spleen and stomach and diarrhea due to loose stools are not suitable to eat more or raw food. Too much gastric juice can not be taken. People with acute or chronic nephritis and renal insufficiency should not take it.

    Purchase method

    Fruit shape is upright, single fruit banana apple shape is bent and arranged in a comb shape; The comb handle is detailed and perfect, only in case of falling down. The fruit is plump, fat, large and well proportioned, fresh and bright in color, with a green exocarp covered with a small amount of white cream, thin after ripening skin, light yellow or light yellow in color, smooth and clean on the surface, free of spots, insect scars, soft, waxy and smooth inside, sweet and delicious, no bitterness, no odor, no crispness and decay.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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