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Is Nanyou Rice a Hybrid Rice

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Is Nanyou Rice a Hybrid Rice


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  • 2023-08-24 06:00:00

    It's hybrid rice

    In fact, the hybrid rice is known as Nanyou No. 2, which is an indica rice cultivated by Yuan Longping with the three line matching method.

    In 1976, Nanyou No. 2 rice began to be popularized and tested in Hunan and the whole country, and the planting area reached 2.08 million mu, with an increase of more than 20%. What is the concept of 20% growth? We can use the average rice yield per mu at that time to calculate and compare.

    The average yield per mu of ordinary rice is about 500 kg, while that of hybrid rice can reach 600 kg. The extra 100 kilograms of rice is enough for an adult man to eat for several months

    Is Nanyou Rice a Hybrid Rice

    It is hybrid rice.

    "Nanyou No. 2" is obviously a F1 hybrid that crosses a male sterile line with a restorer line.

    Hybrid rice refers to the production of the first generation hybrid rice with heterosis by crossing two rice varieties that have certain genetic differences and their good traits can complement each other. Generally, hybrid rice only refers to the first generation hybrid formed by crossing two sterile lines and restorer lines with the same genetic background.

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