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What dishes are best served with rice

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What dishes are best served with rice


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  • 2024-05-25 23:01:46

    When you eat rice, you can't go without hot pot dishes. Because hot pot dishes are very important, you need to prepare marinated beef in advance, as well as leek, squid whiskers, and shredded pork with green peppers. These are all ingredients that are very suitable for rice. They are both delicious and delicious, with meat and vegetables. The nutrient content is very high, and there will be some juice in them, It tastes better when used for mixing rice in stone pot.

    Marinated beef

    It is recommended that beef tendinous meat should be used to make sauce beef. The stewed beef made in that way can only have its own strength and chew head.

    raw material

    3 jin of beef tendon meat, 5 spoons of soy sauce, 10 spoons of soy sauce, 2 spoons of rice wine, 2 pieces of star anise, 1 short section of star anise, 2 pieces of ginger, 20 pieces of pepper, 2 pieces of dried chili, 5 pieces of clove flower, 4 pieces of ginger, 3 pieces of scallion, 1 piece of nutmeg and 1 piece of nutmeg


    1. Cut the meat into small pieces, put them into a pot filled with cold water, open the fire and boil the water. (Note: never cover the boiled beef)

    2. After the blood of beef and mutton is basically boiled out, take out the beef and mutton and let it cool.

    3. In addition, take a hot pot, put 3 bowls of water into it, boil it, put dried chili, ginger slices, anise, star anise, ginger, pepper, clove, nutmeg, and nutmeg into it, and boil it for 5 minutes.

    4. Put the beef and mutton, soy sauce, soy sauce and rice wine into the pot, boil them in high heat and then transfer them to the local fire for 40 minutes.

    5. Take out the beef and mutton and let it cool. Then put it back into the cooking pot and cook for 15 minutes. Then turn off the fire and let the beef and mutton marinate in the pot for another two hours.

    Chives and squid whiskers

    raw material

    Main materials: amaranth section, sharp pepper, yellow pepper, bezoar throat, salt, sesame oil, soy sauce, onion and ginger slices


    1. Bezoar throat water allowance

    2. Cut sharp pepper and yellow pepper into strips, and load them with amaranth section for reservation

    3. Heat up the pan to cool the oil, fry the onion and ginger slices, add red and yellow peppers and amaranth sections, fry the pan for 1 minute, add sesame oil, soy sauce, salt, stir fry for a while, add the blanched cow's yellow throat, mix and start the pan.

    Fried shredded pork with green pepper

    raw material

    Silk stockings high-heeled shoes, pepper noodles, white pepper, oil, rice wine, salt, pepper


    1. Add salt, rice wine, a small amount of pepper flour and white pepper powder to the cut silk stockings and high-heeled shoes, and then add some oil to mix them until the silk stockings and high-heeled shoes are happy. Marinate them for 10 to 15 minutes.

    2. Add some oil in the pot, boil it, pour in the pickled silk stockings and high-heeled shoes, quickly spread them, stir fry until the color fades, and then remove them.

    3. Add some oil in the pot, boil it, put in the cut chili shreds, stir fry until the color fades, add stockings and high-heeled shoes, stir fry evenly.

    4. Spray a small amount of rice wine, add salt and stir well before serving.


    How to make fried silk stockings and high heels tender

    1. When many people like pickled stockings and high-heeled shoes, use egg white or cassava starch paste. But I always hate it. I always use cooking oil to marinate silk stockings and high heels. Add salt, rice wine, pepper noodles and white pepper powder, and then stir them with cooking oil slurry. I feel a little fresher. And add pepper noodles and white pepper stockings high heels, more fragrant.

    2. When it is put into the pot, the oil should be hot and fast. Fry until the color fades. 3. The silk stockings and high-heeled shoes fried like that must taste first-class and tender.


    2024-05-25 23:01:46

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