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Fennel beans and yellow rice wine

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Fennel beans and yellow rice wine


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    There are many types of food ingredients. In the selection of food ingredients, they can all be carried out according to their own self-esteem and self love. Different food ingredients have some differences in nutritional elements. Therefore, in the case of selecting food ingredients, it is best to carry out some mastery of their nutritional ingredients, so that they can also be selected with ease when they promote eating. What about fennel beans and rice wine, This kind of food is made in their own way.

    How to use fennel beans and old rice wine? The following is a detailed introduction to their operation methods. They all have a very good grasp. In the case of selection, they can be carried out with peace of mind. It is not easy to do any harm to their physical and mental health.

    Fennel beans and yellow rice wine:

    Method of fennel and broad bean

    Raw materials: 500g cowpea, 1 star anise, 1g pepper, 3 dried chilies, 1 short section of star anise, 1 tablespoon salt (5g), 1000Ml water


    1. Clean the fresh cowpea with flowing water to remove the floating ash on the surface, and then pick out the cowpea that is not detailed.

    2. Put the washed cowpea, anise, pepper, dried chili, anise, salt and water into the small hot pot.

    3. Use the fire to boil the raw water of the small hot pot to a slight boil, and then turn to the gentle fire to gradually boil for 8 minutes.

    4. Then let the cowpeas cool completely with dark fire, soak them in the sauce, and marinate them for about 30 minutes to make them taste better.

    5. Finally, control the remaining sauce in the pot to dry, and put the boiled cumin cowpea into the plate.


    1. Fresh cowpeas are very smooth and tender, which is not suitable for cooking for a long time. If you use old cowpeas, you can extend the cooking time moderately.

    2. The fennel bean mentioned in Kong Yiji, Mr. Lu Xun's work, is very similar to the traditional food in Tianjin. The fennel bean is usually dried tender cowpea, while the Tianjin cowpea is dried old cowpea, which can be made according to the different types of cowpea purchased.

    Braised Duck with Rice Wine

    raw material

    Main ingredients: 1 tender duck (half can be used if too much is feared, and all condiments will decrease)

    Seasonings: 200ml Huadiao wine, 500ml water, 2 spoons of oil consumption, a small amount of sugar, a small amount of salt, a small amount of chicken essence powder, and 1 piece of Chuanxiong

    Auxiliary materials: 1 piece of lettuce, euryale


    1. Domestic ducks are bought and cleaned up, smeared with soy sauce and tied up to control moisture.

    2. In a 180 degree pot, fry the duck skin and drain the oil.

    3. Take out the stone pot and put the duck in, add Huadiao wine and all condiments, cover the pot and cook it over warm heat (if the condiments cannot cover the duck, please stew the duck with its back up for a period of time before turning over to stew) until the goose is soft and rotten.

    4. Clean the lettuce and pour water on the bottom of the bowl, then put the duck out of the pot on the lettuce.

    5. Pour the remaining sauce with cassava starch on the duck.

    According to the above detailed introduction, I have a good understanding of the operation methods of fennel beans and old rice wine. When they are selected, it is all conducive to the development of the above methods. However, it should be noted that when they are applied, the practice must be skilled, so that they can taste different after making, and the old rice wine can be recuperated to be very delicious.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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