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Lily cooked is bitter Can you eat it

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Lily cooked is bitter Can you eat it


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Lily is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which is believed that we all know. Generally, lily is added when making white fungus and lotus seed porridge, which has a very good effect on moistening the lung and relieving cough. However, some people say that lilies are so bitter. Can you eat them when they are boiled? The lily itself has a certain bitter taste, and the bitter key comes from the outermost skin of the lily. If sufficient tap water is soaked before eating, the bitter taste will become lighter, and the key reason is to remove the outer skin membrane.

    Are lilies bitter to eat

    Yes. Lily is cold, sweet and a little bitter, and a little bitter and astringent is all normal and can be taken. However, after cleaning the lily and soaking the tap water sufficiently, the bitter taste will be greatly reduced. If the lily eaten is very astringent, most of them have not cleaned the plastic film on the surface of the lily.

    In addition, there is also a possibility that the lily you buy is the kind of bitter lily, that is, it has more flavonoids. The fresh lilies that are being sold in the shopping mall, we should pay attention to that: a lily is composed of many small lilies, and a little red or pure white on the top is a bitter lily. The sweet lily usually has only one head, and is thicker than the bitter lily. Its color is as beautiful as white jade.

    What is the reason why lily has a bitter taste

    Lily has a bitter taste mainly because it contains unique nutritional elements and various flavonoids such as colchicine tablets. The existence of flavonoids promotes lily to have a bitter and astringent taste. The bitter and astringent feeling is heavier with more flavonoids, but most lilies are a little bitter at most. It is also the existence of this kind of flavonoids that makes lily have excellent nutritional ingredients to nourish health, prevent diseases, moisten the lungs and stop coughing.

    Lily is better to be bitter or not astringent

    Lily has bitter flavonoids, which makes lily have excellent nutritional ingredients to nourish health, prevent diseases, moisten lungs and stop coughing. So, does it mean that lily is more bitter.

    That's not necessarily true. There are many varieties of lilies, some of which are bitter, some of which have very little bitter taste, or even no bitter taste. They can be divided into two types: pink lilies are not bitter, medicine lilies are bitter, powder lilies are mostly used for taking, and lilies with bitter taste are more used for medicinal purposes, with different functions and no contrast. You can't say which is stronger. It depends on what you want.

    How to Remove Bitter Taste of Lily

    Lilies should be purchased with large single petals, clean and less hazy. There is a name for it. The lily has a large single petal, and its fresh bitter taste is lighter. In addition, it is relatively simple to remove the bitter and astringent taste of lily, and the specific methods are as follows:

    1. Peel: Peel the cleaned fresh lily (a layer of film on the surface). If you don't tear it off, the bitter taste will intensify.

    2. Soaking: put the lily into the plate with cold water and soak it for two hours, so that the lily can digest and absorb water and remove the bitter taste.

    3. Old rock candy bubble: soak in water for 1-2 hours, and put some old rock candy in the water.

    4. Salt blisters: use salt water to soak and clean, and the bitter taste will also be reduced.

    4. Chuo Shui: Boil water to blanch. In the case of blanching, it is best to peel off the lily petal by petal and blanch it with boiling water.

    5. Add other food to cover the bitter taste: for example, when cooking lily and tremella porridge, add a little old rock sugar to cover the bitter taste with clear sweet taste; Burn dates and lily porridge, and cover the bitter taste with dates one by one.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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