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Can red beans and mung beans cook porridge together

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Can red beans and mung beans cook porridge together


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Red beans and mung beans do not compete, so they can cook porridge together. The cold nature of mung bean has the functions of clearing away heat, relieving heat and thirst, softening blood vessels and maintaining kidney function. The warm nature of red bean has the key functions of facilitating urination, detumescence, promoting digestion and lactation, as well as maintaining cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Red beans and mung beans cook porridge together, with a variety of nutrients, vitamins, etc., which can enhance the functions of clearing heat, detoxifying, dehumidifying, relieving heat, helping digestion, and reducing fire.

    However, it should be noted that the discomfort of this kind of porridge will aggravate the relative symptoms of the group with frequent urination and urgent urination and the group with weak gastrointestinal function. When cooking porridge, you can also add dried longans, dates, barley, lilies, etc. according to your hobbies, which can improve the taste of porridge, and can also improve the nutrition of porridge.

    Red beans and mung beans can be boiled together. Because they have similar ingredients, including cassava starch and dietary fiber, they have no opposite effect and can be taken separately. Chixiaodou has the key function of tonifying blood and qi, clearing heat and detoxifying, and facilitating urination. Mung bean is mainly used for clearing heat, detoxifying and relieving heat. The two can be boiled together, but in the case of cooking, you must soak the red bean for half a day first. Because of its large size, it can be boiled together with mung beans and cannot be boiled separately. After the mung beans are fully cooked, they cannot be taken. If the red bean is boiled, the nutrient elements of mung bean have already been lost. Therefore, it is necessary to soak the adzuki bean before cooking, and then boil it with mung bean.

    Gout patients had better eat less or not eat such food materials as red beans and mung beans. Because this kind of bean food and bean food are all belong to the food materials with medium level of drift. In the diet matching standards for gout patients, it is clearly stated that the consumption of food ingredients containing high purine should be minimized, such as various animal viscera, seafood products and meat products. Also, try to avoid eating or not eating food materials containing moderate levels of pixates. Such food materials mainly contain 50-15b250g pixates per 100g of food materials, including various bean foods, bean foods, meat foods and dried fruits. Therefore, in our daily life, we should pay attention to the food matching, and be strict with alcohol and drink more water. Usually, we should pay attention to moderate exercise to relieve weight loss.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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