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What kind of adc mobile games do cats deserve

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What kind of adc mobile games do cats deserve


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  • 2023-11-14 19:00:14


    EZ with cats is an old combination, and Duanyou is often chosen by others. EZ itself does not have a high output. It is characterized by its excellent consumption capacity, but it is also often focused on the opposite side because of its annoying consumption. After matching with the cat, the cat E skill recovers the acceleration effect, which can keep EZ's life safe at all times. Even if the enemy forcibly cuts into the R skill's immobilization control, EZ can achieve instant counter attack. At the same time, if the cat's percentage damage Q is used together with EZ's Q to harass, EZ will hit the opposite side 10 points hard.

    What kind of adc mobile games do cats deserve

    Izrael, because he is an ADC that depends on his skills, once he has no advantage, Q skill can't move the front row, so he is often misunderstood as a bastard hero. In fact, the hero becomes more fierce in the later stage, and his skills will also have high POKE damage after being shaped by magic cutting. He is also very powerful online with cats, and EZ has a high fault tolerance rate, so he is not afraid of control skills.

    Then there is Hiwell, who has strong ability to push lines. The essence of playing this ADC well is to brush money. After the critical hit device is shaped, it can use W skill to hit high ejection damage. This hero is also a good all-in-one. It can be matched with any auxiliary. Cats are also a very good choice. Because she has E skills to protect her life, and more cats can be regarded as double protection. The presence of cats can make her more unscrupulous.


    2023-11-14 19:00:14

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