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Can shrimp be eaten with eggs?

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Can shrimp be eaten with eggs?


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  • 2024-05-26 07:00:00

    The key point of nutritious diet is to reasonably match the diet structure. If two kinds of food cannot be eaten together, if they are eaten by mistake, it will cause physical discomfort, even food poisoning and other problems. Can shrimp and eggs be eaten together? These two kinds of food can be eaten together and have high nutritional value. Their health care effects are also reflected in many aspects.

    1: Egg nutrition analysis:

    Eggs are rich in protein, fat, vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium and other minerals needed by the human body. Their protein is the best protein in nature, which can repair liver tissue damage; At the same time, it is rich in DHA, lecithin and ovoflavin, which is beneficial to the development of nervous system and body, can strengthen brain, improve memory, and promote liver cell regeneration; Eggs contain more vitamin B and other trace elements, which can decompose and oxidize carcinogens in the human body and have cancer prevention effect; Eggs taste sweet and nature is flat; It has the effects of nourishing the heart, calming the nerves, enriching blood, nourishing yin and moistening dryness.

    2: Shrimp nutrition analysis:

    Shrimp is nutritious, soft and easy to digest. It is an excellent food for people who are weak and need recuperation after illness; Shrimp meat is rich in magnesium, which can protect the cardiovascular system. It can reduce the cholesterol content in the blood, prevent arteriosclerosis, and expand the coronary artery, which is conducive to preventing hypertension and myocardial infarction; Shrimp meat also has the effects of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the yang, promoting lactation and detoxification, nourishing blood and essence, removing blood stasis and detoxification, supplementing qi and yang, dredging collaterals and relieving pain, appetizing and resolving phlegm, etc.

    3: Egg like food:

    Eggs should not be boiled with sugar; Eating with saccharin and brown sugar can lead to poisoning; The spleen and stomach are damaged by eating with goose; Eating with rabbit meat and persimmon leads to diarrhea; At the same time, it is not suitable to eat with turtle, carp, soy milk and tea.

    4: Shrimp like food:

    1. It is forbidden to take a large amount of vitamin C at the same time when eating shrimp, otherwise, trivalent arsenic can be generated, which can kill people;

    2. It is not suitable to eat with pork and lose essence;

    3. Avoid eating with dog meat, chicken, deer meat, and pumpkin;

    4. No sugar; Fruit juice and shrimp are mutually exclusive. Eating them together will cause diarrhea.

    Through the introduction above, we are very clear about whether shrimp can be eaten with eggs. A reasonable diet is essential for everyone. Only by taking good dietary care measures can we supplement enough nutrition and improve the protection of human health. In addition, we should pay attention to those foods that are antagonistic to shrimp and eggs and increase our vigilance.


    2024-05-26 07:00:00

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