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Practice and steps of sweet and sour fish

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Practice and steps of sweet and sour fish


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Fish tastes delicate, especially the high protein content and low fat rate in fish. It is also very simple to make. Sweet and sour fish, also known as sweet and sour fish, tastes fresh and tender, and tastes sweet and delicious. Sweet and sour fish is also very easy to make. If you can grasp the method and process of sweet and sour fish in general, You can also make delicious sweet and sour fish at home.

    Home practice and process of sweet and sour fish

    Method 1

    Make food


    Main materials: carp 1000g

    Auxiliary material: 30g pepper, 100g shallot (white)

    Seasoning: rice wine 20g, shallot 10g, ginger 8g, soy sauce 10g, white sugar 20g, vinegar 15g, salt 2g, sesame oil 2g, cassava starch (corn) 10g, edible oil 20g

    Manufacturing steps

    Scallion peeling, cleaning, hob block; Peel and mince garlic.

    Pour 1 teaspoon of oil into the pot and boil it. Add mashed garlic and diced scallions to stir fry until fragrant. Add other raw materials and boil for about 2 minutes.

    Radish peeled, cleaned and sliced; Clean and cut scallions; Clean ginger slices and cut into strips; Clean the green pea kernels, put them in boiling water for a short time, scald them, remove them and dry them.

    Remove the scales and clean the internal organs of the flat fish, cut several knives on both sides of the fish body, sprinkle ginger slices, and move into the wok to cook.

    Pour a third of the original juice of sweet and sour sauce on the steamed plain fish, sprinkle with shredded green onion, shredded carrot and green pea kernels, and serve.

    Make Reminder

    If the sauce of sweet and sour fish is left over, the vegetable dregs can be removed. After filtering, it can be frozen for storage and reused.

    Method 2

    Manufacturing steps

    (1) Remove phosphorus, fin, gill, and viscera from the fish. Cut the fish every 2 cm to the bone, and then cut 1.5 cm along the bone to open the fish Remove and put it into the tray. spare.

    (2) Boil the fish with cassava starch for 7 to 8 times

    (3) Keep the bottom oil in the pot and boil it. Add the onion and ginger foam to stir fry it. Pick up the onion and ginger foam and put in the soy sauce, white granulated sugar, salt, rice wine, vinegar, ginger water. Boil the sauce to make sweet and sour juice. Pour it on the fried fish and serve it.

    Method 3

    Manufacturing steps

    1. Remove the head, scales and internal organs of the carp, clean them up, cut along the back bone from the middle, cut off the fish on both sides, and then bevel the head into thin pieces. Add rice wine and marinate for 20 minutes. Knock the raw egg into the bowl, add dry starch, and stir it into egg yolk liquid.

    2. Add oil to the pan, bake over medium heat until 70% hot, evenly wrap the fish with egg yolk liquid, fry until orange, and drain off the oil. Put it in the tray.

    3. Leave a small amount of oil in the pot, put ginger slices into the pot and fry it for two times. Add vinegar, white granulated sugar, tomato sauce, salt and 40Ml cold water successively, stir it for two times, then add starch and flour, stir it with a shovel along one direction to make sweet and sour juice.

    4. Pour the prepared Tangku juice onto the fried fish quickly.

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