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How long do you want your eggs boiled

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How long do you want your eggs boiled


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  • 2024-05-26 04:00:00

    Flow heart egg is a kind of food that everyone likes to eat in ordinary times. This kind of food is that egg yolk can flow, while protein is boiled, which looks like sunlight. Therefore, you need to master the method of flow heart egg. Generally, it takes three minutes to cook the flowing egg. After you can warm the water, you can fry the raw egg in the water and then puncture it with chopsticks.

    A sun egg full of blood

    The sun egg is actually a kind of poached egg. It is famous for its yolk exposed near the sun. The moment when you pierce the yolk with chopsticks, it is especially charming. The yolk flowing out instantly. If you put it on cold noodles, then the fresh noodles with roots will be covered with chicken egg liquid, which tastes more mellow. There is a very critical link in making the ultimate sun egg, that is, "frying on a small fire for the whole line, and finally braising off the fire".


    Prepare a non stick pot, use a mild fire, and heat the pot. At this time, the doorknob can feel warm but not hot when it is in the air.

    Pour one or two oil leaks into the pan, shake the pan or use chopsticks to hold the kitchen oil absorbent paper, and smear the just drop of oil on the bottom pan evenly.

    Gently beat in the raw egg, which can put an onion ring in the pot, and then knock out the raw egg.

    Fry the egg on low heat until the protein is basically all coagulated. Turn off the heat and cover the lid. It's a bit runny when you start cooking up and down in five minutes.

    Ultimate Shuibo Egg

    Shuibo Egg, I firmly believe that many people are not unfamiliar with it. To make a watery egg with flowing heart, round shape, solid protein and little sediment, you need to prepare a fresh raw egg and a relatively deep pot in advance. In addition, adding white rice vinegar and swirling are also indispensable key points in practical operation.


    Beat raw eggs on a small plate beforehand.

    Put a teaspoon of white rice vinegar in the water for boiling eggs, turn the water to a gentle heat, stir a vortex in one direction with chopsticks, and turn off the fire.

    Put the raw eggs close to the river immediately after the fire is extinguished, and seep into the water along the vortex without firing. Let the raw eggs gradually form in warm water, which takes about 3 minutes.

    After 3 minutes, scoop out the Shuibo egg with a colander, discard the floating raw egg floss on the surface, and then gently wash away the white rice vinegar on the surface with cold water, which is the ultimate Shuibo egg~

    Extremely oily hot spring eggs

    The hot spring eggs, which are so smooth and extremely oily, actually use the difference between egg yolk and egg white solidifying point. At the temperature of 65-68 ℃, the maturity of egg white and egg yolk is just similar, and the overall taste is tender. Therefore, in order to make a successful hot spring egg, temperature control is very critical.


    Put the raw eggs in the refrigerator in advance.

    After 500ml boiled water is boiled in the pot, add 50Ml cold water. If there is less tap water for an egg, just press boiled water: cold water=10:1.

    Put the raw eggs in the big spoon, put the raw eggs into the warm boiled water, cover and stew for 12 minutes.

    When the time comes, take it down and put it in cold water to reduce the indoor temperature. Gently knock the raw egg into the bowl. It can be eaten with sauce or put on the surface of the rice cover.


    2024-05-26 04:00:00

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