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Efficacy and Function of Herb Tea

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Efficacy and Function of Herb Tea


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:16

    Herb tea is a medicinal drink made by decocting Chinese herbal medicines that grow and develop locally and have no toxic side effects under the standard of cold and wet climate natural environment in southern China. For example, Wanglaoji herbal tea in Guangdong Province is a kind of herb tea made and sold in tropical climate in China. Taiwan herb tea is a regional reflection of the diversified development trend of tea in Taiwan Province. Then what's the function and efficacy of Herbal Tea? Please take a look at the following details.


    From the perspective of the original green plants of Baicao tea, there are 15 kinds of herbs with heat clearing and detoxification effects, accounting for 100%; There are 11 kinds of herbs with detoxification effect, accounting for 73.3%; There are 6 kinds of herbs with dehumidification effect, accounting for 40%; There are 5 kinds of herbs with the effect of dehumidification, accounting for 33.3%; There are 6 kinds of herbs with the effect of detumescence, accounting for 40%; There are 3 kinds of herbs with the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, accounting for 20%. It also shows that it is suitable for the treatment of warm and hot diseases, or damp heat mixed with damp and cold damp diseases. It is also suitable for carbuncles.

    Main smelting operation

    From the perspective of the main application of the original green plants of Baicao tea, there are 7 kinds of herbs that can cure exogenous wind heat, accounting for 47% of the 15 kinds of the most common original green plants of Baicao tea; There are 12 kinds of herbs that can treat hot dysentery and diarrhea, accounting for 80% of the 15 kinds; There are 7 kinds of herbs that can treat jaundice and hepatitis, accounting for 47% of 15 kinds; There are 8 kinds of herbs that can cure sore throat, accounting for 53% of 15 kinds; There are 7 kinds of herbs that can cure pneumonia, accounting for 47% of 15 kinds; There are 4 kinds of herbs that can cure wind heat cough, accounting for 26.7% of 15 kinds; There are 8 kinds of herbs that can treat furuncles and carbuncles, accounting for 53% of 15 kinds; There are 4 kinds of herbs that can cure dengue fever, accounting for 26.7% of 15 kinds. It shows that herb tea is really suitable for preventing warm heat syndrome.

    The theoretical source of Baicao tea in treating hyperthermia syndrome is discussed from the three levels of efficacy, function and application of Poria cocos, which can be said that the basic theory is sufficient.

    In addition to the basic theoretical basis, Taiwan herbal tea also has clinical medical certification. This article collects the examples of Xu Yantang, an old doctor, and Huang Zhengchang, Jiang Zhenghua, and Zhan Da, traditional Chinese physicians, who used herb tea to treat warm fever in Shengdetang, Heyuantang, Xu Yantang, Fudetang TCM clinics and TCM stores during the five years from June 1996 to October 2001. The clinical application of Baicao tea is illustrated by the examples of children's summer fever, acute pharyngitis, influenza, stomatitis, sore, swelling and pain, subacute urinary system infection, etc.

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