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Who can't eat duck?

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Who can't eat duck?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    The study found that compared with other poultry, goose meat has the largest nutritional content, but goose meat is cold in nature. For those people who have a heavy gastrointestinal cold and are very prone to diarrhea, goose meat is not a good food, so it is better to eat less. There are many ways to eat goose meat in daily life, such as spicy beer duck, duck soup with mung bean and kelp, dry pot duck, pickled cabbage and duck meat noodles, which are all very delicious, and they are loved by all food enthusiasts.

    1、 Who can't eat goose?

    Goose is cold in nature and has the effect of nourishing yin, blood cells, and fire. Therefore, people who are very prone to diarrhea should eat less because of the cold and damp in the stomach and intestines. People who will have skin diseases such as eczema, herpes, and other major manifestations of heat and dampness should not eat.

    2、 Taboos on taking goose

    It is aimed at the appetite and diet matching caused by yin deficiency and internal heat of the body, and cold pain in the stomach. Diarrhea, low back pain, cold menstrual pain, obesity, arteriosclerosis, and chronic colitis should be eaten less; Not suitable for fever and cold patients. Goose should not be eaten with rabbit meat, red bayberry wine, walnut kernel, turtle, black fungus, walnuts and black wheat.

    3、 Complete collection of goose eating methods

    1. Spicy Beer Duck

    Food: 700g goose meat, 1 chili, 600ml wine, proper ginger slices, proper scallions, 3ml salt, 15ml soy sauce, 15g dried chili, 15ml rice wine, 10g pepper, 20Ml soy sauce.

    Method: Clean goose and cut it into medium sized pieces, which is good for taste. Remove the overly fat duck skin. Put the goose into a bowl, add rice wine, salt, soy sauce, ginger slices, scallions, and marinate for 20 minutes. Put the excessive fat duck skin into the pot. Gently press with a shovel and gradually force out the duck oil. When the duck skin turns golden yellow on both sides, a lot of duck oil comes out and the duck skin is filled. Pour dried chilli into the duck oil, and stir fry the pepper until fragrant. Pour in the preserved goose and stir fry until done. Pour in soy sauce, stir fry and color. Pour in a bottle of beer, and before the goose, the Chinese fire gradually burns. Gradually stir fry the sugar, pour in the pepper and stir fry it.

    2. Stewed Duck Soup with Shredded Kelp and Mung Bean

    Food: 500g goose, shredded kelp, mung bean, ginger, ginger slices, salt.

    Method: Put goose meat into cold water to boil for decontamination and cleaning. Kelp bubble hair, mung bean cleaning. Put the solved raw materials, ginger slices and ginger into the electric pressure cooker. Add proper amount of water, cover it, press the "beef tendon" key, and add salt to the talent after qi dissipation.

    3. Dry Cooked Duck

    Food: 500g braised duck meat, appropriate green pepper, appropriate small pepper, appropriate ginger, appropriate garlic, appropriate vegetable oil, appropriate soy sauce, appropriate pepper.

    Method: Cut the head of marinated duck into pieces. Trim the green and red peppers in circles, cut ginger into strips and garlic into slices. Put oil in the frying pan, burn the oil and pour in the goose to fry slightly. The skin turns yellow and then emerges. Stir fry in the pan with the bottom oil until fragrant, with the chilli and garlic and ginger slices. Stir fry until fragrant, then add a small amount of Chinese prickly ash. Pour in the goose with oil. Drizzle a little soy sauce. Stir well before cooking.

    4. Noodles with Pickled Vegetable and Duck Meat

    Food: 300g wet noodles, 100g whole pickled duck, proper oil, proper salt and sesame oil.

    Method: Cut a whole duck into pieces. Cut pickles into strips. Bring the wok to a boil, add the shallots, stir fry the wok for fragrance, add the duck pieces, stir fry the wok until the color turns white. Put in the pickles and fry the pan. Pour in a certain amount of cold water and stew for 30 minutes until the goose is soft and rotten, and the sauce is delicious. (If the goose is filled with more oil, the oil can be properly removed at this time).

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