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How to mix noodles for making dumpling skin

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How to mix noodles for making dumpling skin


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Although dumplings are one of the special delicacies of the Chinese people, and many housewives often make their own dumplings at home for taking, compared with other pastries, the whole process of making dumpling skins is relatively complicated, and there are also very high regulations on the thickness of dumpling skins. Most housewives choose to buy dumpling skins immediately in the sales market, So if you want to make your own dumplings at home, how should you mix noodles?

    How to make dumpling skin with flour

    1、 How to make dumpling skin

    Put appropriate wheat flour in the wash basin, add a spoonful of salt, then add an egg white in the wheat flour basin, add the egg white dumpling skin, and wrap it into dumplings. After boiling, put it into a bowl and it is not easy to stick. Put a small bowl of cold water into the bowl and just start kneading. First, add a small amount of water, use force or chopsticks to make wheat flour into pimples; Then, gently press the pimple on your hand to a fast speed, dip the paste with a little water, rub it again, repeatedly dip it in water and noodles for 2-3 times, cover it with a lid, wake up for 30 minutes, take a small piece of it, rub it into strips, cut it into small ingredients with a knife, or drag it with force, and use a small rolling pin to shape Chongqing small ingredients into a ring, then you can make dumplings.

    2、 Method of making dumpling skin

    1. Put proper high gluten flour into the basin. The wheat flour that is distributed in the market is generally high gluten flour. Add proper salt in the wheat flour, and add salt to knead the flour to make it smooth.

    2. Add an egg white to the wheat flour. The egg white can make the dumpling skin tough, and it does not stick to each other. This is also the reason for adding raw eggs to knead the flour.

    3. The question of whether to knead noodles with cold water or warm water depends on the situation. If you make dumplings, rub the noodles with warm boiled water. It's soft. If you make dumplings, rub the noodles with cold water, and the skin will be malleable.

    4. Use chopsticks to mix the wheat flour into flour wadding, and then use the flour wadding to knead the wadding. The dough should be kneaded continuously for at least ten minutes until it is smooth and not sticky. At this time, I also like to let children knead. The children feel that the batter is as fun as colored mud.

    5. The batter is soft and malleable, so cover it with an outer cover and let it stand for 30 minutes, so that the surface and water are fully soaked.

    6. Take the paste below, sprinkle wheat flour on the cutting board, and then press and knead twice. Grab a lump of noodles, rub the strip, and use a hob to cut a small dosage.

    7. Press the dough agent flat by hand, roll the dough agent horizontally and vertically with a rolling pin, hold the rolling pin with the right hand, push the rolling pin with the left hand, and roll the edges of the dough evenly and roundly. The thin edge and thick middle rolling skin make it hard to break.

    8. After rolling, you can just start making dumplings.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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