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Method of crocodile meat

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Method of crocodile meat


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    We ordinary people should seldom eat crocodile meat, nor have the opportunity to eat it. We don't know that crocodile meat can still be eaten, but when it comes to crocodile meat, we firmly believe that everyone has the same idea. How to eat crocodile meat, what tastes it is, and what nutrients it has. There are many nutrients in crocodile meat, which is low in cholesterol and calories, The actual effect of nourishing and nourishing the human body is very good. Let's take a look at the practice of crocodile meat.

    Many people should have never eaten crocodile meat. They are afraid to eat it even if they have a chance. In fact, crocodile meat can really nourish and keep healthy. It is a low calorie meat food, which is not easy to gain weight after eating. The actual effect of curing some diseases is also very good. Do you want to master the practice of crocodile meat.

    Stewed Crocodile Meat with Cordyceps Flower

    raw material

    Ginger is appropriate, rice wine is appropriate, and cordyceps flower is appropriate


    1. Boil water in the pot, turn off the fire after the water boils, and scald the crocodile skin down.

    2. Tear off the scales on the outside while hot. If some areas cannot be torn clean, scald them again until the skin is completely torn off.

    3. Slice the crocodile meat.

    4. Wash the pan and boil the water again. After the water boils, drop a small amount of rice wine and scald the crocodile meat to remove the fishy smell (Just scald it for a while, and the nutrients leave after a long time)

    5. Put the solved alligator meat, cordyceps flowers and ginger slices into the stew pot.

    6. Put on the outer cover, turn to simmer for 2 hours after boiling.

    7. Add salt seasoning when drinking. Drink it while it's hot. It's fishy when it's cold. Method of crocodile meat

    Steamed Crocodile Meat with Cloud Qi

    Crocodile meat is a kind of low calorie, low cholesterol meat food. The healthy and high-quality crocodile meat is not only delicious, but also has the functions of nourishing the heart and lungs, relieving cough, enriching blood and qi, strengthening bones, tonifying the kidney and essence, and avoiding evil and dampness. It can often be taken to replenish blood and qi, stop asthma, stop cough and dissipate phlegm. But crocodile meat is best eaten with skin. Because crocodile belt has rich and colorful collagen fibers, it can reasonably prevent osteoporosis, and has the function of skin care, beauty and beauty. The crocodile looks terrible and is very skinny. It feels like it can't find its way. But after the seller's guidance and a try, it was not too difficult at all. It is very easy. It is used to steam with cloud fungus, medlar and jujube. It is fresh and tender. It is also more delicious than chicken breast meat. Which skin is also very elastic (those white pieces are the cooked skin), very good!

    raw material

    450 grams of crocodile meat, appropriate fungus, appropriate medlar, appropriate jujube, appropriate vanilla, appropriate ginger, 1 teaspoon of wine, appropriate salt, appropriate sugar, appropriate white pepper, appropriate abalone juice, appropriate soy sauce, appropriate cheese powder, appropriate cooking oil


    1. Prepare raw materials (crocodile meat costs 55 yuan/jin). I bought the belly position

    2. Take out the crocodile skin

    3. Scald crocodile skin with hot water

    4. Scrape off a layer of film on the skin of a knife (I only steamed a small amount of skin and ate it, while others were reserved for boiling soup)

    5. Slice crocodile meat, marinate it with seasoning for 15 minutes, soak the fungus thoroughly, clean the medlar, remove the core of red jujube and cut it into strips, cut ginger into strips, and cut the scallops into sections

    6. Add mushrooms, shredded dates and ginger slices to the cured crocodile meat

    7. Take a plate and drain the cured crocodile meat

    8. Place in the frying pan

    9. Cover and steam at low heat for 15 minutes 10 After the crocodile meat is cooked, put it into the Xianglai section

    The practice of crocodile meat should have some vision for everyone today. crocodile meat can very well replenish the vitality of the body, and the liver of the crocodile can strengthen the brain, remove moisture, generate new blood, clear the eyes. It has a very good effect of nourishing yang and protecting the liver. It also has very good practical effects on treating the diseases of the elderly's eyes, such as cataracts, Women who eat crocodile meat can also maintain their beauty.

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