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Take several diclofenac sodium enteric coated tablets at a time

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Take several diclofenac sodium enteric coated tablets at a time


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  • 2024-05-25 20:00:16

    Diclofenac enteric coated capsule is a very basic drug. The daily dosage should not exceed two or three times. If you take too much, it will have a real effect that will not pay off. If you have a disease in your own body long ago, you must start the treatment of such drugs immediately, After taking drugs continuously for a period of time, you can decide to adjust the drug use according to the improvement of your own condition, and you don't need to change it casually.

    As a basic, the daily use amount was 100-150Mg (4-6 tablets) at the beginning. For mild patients or patients requiring long-term treatment, the daily dosage is 75-100mg (3-4 tablets). Generally, the daily dosage is divided into 2-3 times. In order to reduce the occurrence of pain and morning stiffness at night, it can be treated in sheet form during the day. In addition, suppositories should be used as an aid before sleep (the maximum daily use should not exceed 150 mg).

    For primary menstrual pain, the daily dosage should be adjusted according to the individual, generally 50-150Mg (2-6 tablets), taken in batches. The initial dosage should be 50-100mg (2 to 4 tablets). If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 200mg (8 tablets) per day within several physiological cycles. Once the disease appears, it should be treated immediately and last for several days. The treatment plan depends on the disease.

    Children and adolescents:

    For children and adolescents aged 1 year or above, the daily dosage is 0.5-2 mg/kg off weight, divided into 2-3 times according to the medical condition. For juvenile and childhood rheumatoid arthritis, the maximum daily dosage is 3mg/kg off weight, which is taken in batches.

    The large daily consumption is 150Mg.

    Because of 50Mg of Voltarin? Enteric coated capsules are widely used, so it is not recommended for children under 14 years of age and adolescents, but 25mg of drugs can be used.

    This product cannot be used for babies under 12 months old.

    At present, there is no direct evidence to prove that diclofenac potassium has synergistic effect with other systemic nonsteroidal analgesics (including cyclooxygenase-2 selective retarder), and there may be potential additional side effects. Therefore, mutual use of diclofenac potassium should be prevented.

    The common problems of the elderly taking medicine should follow the basic standards of diagnosis and treatment. Especially for patients with weak physique and low rest weight, the least reasonable dosage should be given.

    Because diclofenac contains whey protein, it is not strongly recommended for patients with the following rare genetic problems: galactose intolerance, severe lactase deficiency, or poor glucose galactose digestion and absorption, or lactase, and asthma in the past.

    In patients with asthma, periodic allergic rhinitis, nasal mucosa edema (such as nasal polyps), diffuse obstructive pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary disease or respiratory system diffuse infection (especially if related to allergic rhinitis like disease), non steroidal drug like reactions, such as asthma canceration (plain pain relievers/pain relievers asthma intolerance), Quincke's edema or urticaria will be more common than other patients. Therefore, great attention should be paid to such patients (to be fully prepared for emergencies). For patients with skin allergy to other substances, if there is skin reaction, itching or urticaria, attention should also be paid.


    2024-05-25 20:00:16

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