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Can you eat avocado with black thread

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Can you eat avocado with black thread


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Sakyamuni is a kind of fresh fruit introduced from overseas in recent years. This kind of fruit has high nutritional value and is very good for health. If Sakya fruit has black strips, can it be eaten? If there are black silk stockings in the Sakyamuni fruit, it indicates that the storage time of the Sakyamuni fruit is too long. This kind of situation can spit out the black silk stockings when eating the Sakyamuni fruit, and will not affect the function of the Sakyamuni fruit and the physical and mental health of the consumers.

    1、 Can I eat the gray and black silk in the Sakya fruit

    Sakyamuni fruit is a kind of fresh fruit with high nutritional content. It contains a variety of nutrients, rich and colorful human fat and protein. It also has high sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and other ingredients. It can be used as a vegetable and canned fruit in addition to being taken as a fruit; Dried fruit contains human body fat oil, which is non oil ester. It has a soft fragrance and is industrial grade for medicine, medicine and cosmetics. Avocado is light and fragrant. It can be eaten after peeling. The flesh of the melon is hard and has less water. It has a taste of yellow cream.

    Can you eat the gray and black silk in the Sakyamuni fruit? The black silk stockings of the Sakyamuni fruit are the process of the fibrosis of the melon flesh caused by the long storage time of the Sakyamuni fruit. If the melon flesh does not fade and taste, it is OK to spit out the black silk stockings when eating, so it can be taken.

    2、 Taking effect of Sakyamuni

    1. Anti oxygen and anti-aging: it has rich and colorful glyceride acid, protein and vitamins, which are moist but not greasy. It is a pure natural anti-aging agent. It can not only soften and nourish the skin, but also narrow pores. The surface of the skin can produce an emulsion isolation layer, which can reasonably resist the sun's rays and avoid sunburn. The shea butter obtained from the dried fruits of Sakyamuni is rich in nutrients, including rich and colorful vitamin E, magnesium, fatty acids and essential fatty acids, which is conducive to the tenacity of the cytoplasm and slow down the rate of epidermal cell decline.

    2. Breast enhancement and beauty milk: The rich and colorful unsaturated fat in Sakyamuni fruit can improve the ductility of breast tissue; Vitamin D can promote female male hormones, vitamin C can prevent breast deformation, and vitamin E is conducive to the development of girls' breasts.

    3. Liver protection: According to research, avocado contains reasonable ingredients that may protect the liver. This discovery will help people to create new drugs to treat liver and gallbladder diseases.

    4. Beauty and skin care: The flesh of Sakyamuni melon has a good affinity with the body skin, which is very easy to be digested and absorbed by the skin. It is very fast to ultraviolet light. In addition, it contains vitamin E and carotene, so it has excellent skin care, sunscreen isolation, and health care effects.

    5. Alleviate diabetes: The sugar content of avocado and melon pulp is extremely low, 1/5 of the sugar content of banana and apple, which is a valuable high-fat and low sugar food for diabetic patients. The use of exocarp to make tea can alleviate diabetes.

    6. Maintain the physical and mental health of the solitary palace: because Sakyamuni fruit looks like the solitary palace, it can maintain the physical and mental health of women's solitary palace and cervix. Women who eat one Sakyamuni fruit a week can balance estrogen, reduce unnecessary weight loss caused by childbirth, and avoid cervical cancer.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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