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Cake formula proportion table

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Cake formula proportion table


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    As a whole, birthday cake is a kind of western cake with a relatively simple method, and even if there is no electric oven at home, you can also use an electric cooker to make birthday cake, so more and more people will choose to make their own cake at home. In the case of cake making, the key raw materials are wheat flour and raw eggs. The proportion of these two raw materials must be well controlled in order to make the birthday cake more and more delicious and soft. The content of the following article is for readers to interpret the proportion of cake recipes.

    The method of making small cakes and the proportion of spices

    Main materials

    Low gluten cake powder 80g

    White granulated sugar 50g

    4 raw eggs

    Lemonade 5g

    technological process

    1. Prepare raw materials in advance; (It is better to make raw eggs at room temperature. If the eggs are just taken out of the refrigerator, you need to warm them at room temperature for 2 hours before making cakes)

    2. Beat raw eggs into a stainless steel basin without water and oil stains, and add proper amount of lemonade; (If there is no green lemon at home, white rice vinegar can be used instead)

    3. The white granulated sugar is added to the egg liquid for three or four times, and is always milled at a high speed.

    4. When the electric egg beater is mentioned, the egg liquid on the top of the electric egg beater is not easy to drip out quickly, and the lines drawn by the electric egg beater in the basin are not easy to fade away quickly. (Many friends reported that it is hard to kill egg yolks. Here's a tip I share with everyone: put a pot of warm water under the egg, which is very easy to kill!)

    5. Sift the low gluten cake powder into the egg yolk liquid; (If you want to make the birthday cake more delicate and bulky, you'd better sift the low gluten flour twice)

    6. Use a spoon to scoop the evenly mixed flour paste into a disposable paper cup, about 7-8 minutes full, and then do all of them successively;

    7. Heat the electric oven at 160 ° C for 5 minutes, and put the grinding tool equipped with flour paste into the middle and upper floors of the electric oven at 160 ° C for 20 minutes; (The actual temperature is adjusted appropriately according to the oven temperature);

    8. Published cupcakes; (Check whether the inside of the birthday cake is ripe. You can use a wooden stick to evaluate it. Insert the wooden stick into the cupcake and quickly pull it out. There is mucus on the wooden stick, indicating that it is not ripe. If it is clean, it will be ripe!)

    9. Finished products! All right! Never retract or crack! (The freshly baked cupcake is a bit dry. After all, there is no water or oil stain. After cooling, it can be put into a film bag for sealing. It will be delicious in many hours.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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