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Advantages and disadvantages of eating pineapple

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Advantages and disadvantages of eating pineapple


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Pineapple should be the most famous in Taiwan, China. Pineapple can be regarded as a special food in Taiwan, China. Pineapple can not only be taken immediately, but also be produced and processed into other commodities. For example, Taiwan pineapple crisp is a must buy commodity in Taiwan. Girls who eat pineapple can help with beauty and skin care. The pineapple contains rich and colorful vitamins that can help us remove the cuticle, and also has the effect of whitening and freckle removal. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating pineapple?

    Benefits of eating pineapple

    It has the benefit of whitening skin and losing weight. Pineapple is rich in vitamins. It can not only make the skin moist, crystal clear, but also reasonably remove the cuticle and eliminate facial spots.

    It has the benefit of removing tooth stains. Because pineapple contains bromelain, it can reasonably remove the stains on the surface of teeth, making teeth as white as new.

    It has the benefit of invigorating the spleen and appetizing digestion and absorption. Because pineapple tastes sweet and sour, it has the effect of invigorating the spleen and stomach. For example, making dishes with pineapple can make the taste fresh, and eating pineapple after meals can help digestion and absorption.

    Disadvantages of eating pineapple

    It has the disadvantage of causing headache. As pineapple contains an ammonia containing transmitter, it can obviously constrict blood vessels and smooth muscles and increase blood pressure, causing headache. It has the disadvantage of causing abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Because pineapple contains pineapple enzyme, it has a strong effect of dissolving free fatty acids and blood clots, but a few people are allergic to this kind of enzyme skin, and regret eating pineapple can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other diseases.

    Pineapple can not only be fresh, but also can be produced and processed into canned pineapple with red bean syrup, pineapple honey fruit juice, pineapple jam, etc. When fresh, you can soak a piece or piece of pineapple in salt water for 30 minutes, and then soak it in cold boiled water to remove the salt taste, which can achieve the effect of anti allergy. Dipping some salt water will make the taste stronger, which can destroy the activity of protein enzymes in jackfruit and prevent skin allergy.

    When pineapple is eaten raw, it is best to take it after a meal to prevent abdominal pain. Jackfruit contains a kind of glycoside. Eating jackfruit can stimulate oral mucosa, causing itching and numbness. As an allogeneic protein, bromotrypsin can cause severe abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, skin itching, measles, poor breathing, weak pulse, cyanosis, and low blood pressure. In severe cases of skin allergy, there are also symptoms such as poor breathing and shock.

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