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Picture of cooked artificial flower glue

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Picture of cooked artificial flower glue


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Nowadays, eating fish glue is a very common thing. Eating fish glue makes you more and more physically and mentally healthy, young and beautiful. Mothers can also exchange the freshness and physical and mental health of their babies. But if we eat the goods sold by these unscrupulous merchants, we will really spend money and harm our physical and mental health. How can I tell if fish gelatin is genuine?

    How to distinguish the true from the false of fish glue

    Identification of fake flower glue and difference between fake flower glue and genuine flower glue

    I firmly believe that we have heard for a long time that rabbit ears are fake fish glue. Previously, a mother in Shenzhen bought this kind of fake fish glue at a stall in a sales market in Shenzhen. It cost 100 yuan per kilogram, which unlocked the true nature of rabbit ear fake fish glue.

    Identification of fake flower glue and difference between fake flower glue and genuine flower glue

    You can see the pictures above, and then you can be on guard!

    Generally, this kind of fake fish glue has the same shape and color as the real fish glue. However, if you look carefully, you can find hair, cartilage and ear holes. It tastes very, very delicious.

    Large squid filled with fish glue is more widely used.

    Identification of fake flower glue and difference between fake flower glue and genuine flower glue

    They bought the ordinary big water squid, dried them with coal, pressed candy with a noodle press, soaked the big squid with hydrogen peroxide and sulfur powder, and finally cut and repaired the fake sea fish skin, and then sold the fake procedure. When selling to customers, the price of big squid will rise ten times or even a thousand times in time.

    The "fish glue" soaked in it will never rot after being cooked, and it is very chewy.

    Identification of fake flower glue and difference between fake flower glue and genuine flower glue

    Dried pork skin turns into fish glue after frying

    No matter how thick the meat is, this kind of fake fish glue will rot.

    If you have been on the spot all the time and can't use the small blisters, then take the glue off. The collagen powder of the real fish glue is high in composition, which can obviously see that it was originally connected together. There is a tangled situation, and the fake will "look fragile and lumpy."

    You see, it is difficult to identify the "fish glue" formed by the fried pork skin!

    Identification of fake flower glue and difference between fake flower glue and genuine flower glue

    It turns out that it is the pork skin we often eat. After cooking, it looks like fried pork skin. Look carefully at the cross section and there are air holes. The odor is very easy to counterfeit, so it is not the standard to distinguish the true from the false.

    To make raw rubber fish filling glue for leather soles

    Identification of fake flower glue and difference between fake flower glue and genuine flower glue

    Nowadays, the most frightening thing in the sales market is that some people use raw rubber fish filled glue to make leather shoe soles, which makes people very angry. Because the color and level of raw rubber fish filled glue are similar, the level of simulation is very high, and not only others, but also professionals have ever been hit.

    But the smell of vulcanized rubber will appear after cooking, and the false appearance will be immediately exposed.

    The fishy smell of the transparent sea can distinguish the true from the false fishglue

    Fish glue can be divided into male and female. The male is curved, and the female is flat, with obvious pineapple honey lines. The beautiful fish glue is called cold water fish glue. It is very white and flawless under the lighting effect. If there is black shadow, it indicates that the quality is poor, and it will smell even more when soaked.

    Therefore, when people choose to buy fish glue, they can put it close. If they smell fishy smell on the sea, it is real fish glue. In addition, they can put it under the light effect, which is related to the high light transmittance of real fish glue. However, some fish gums with distinctive shapes are difficult to be imitated by manual service because of some herringbone lines and air holes on the surface, and the opportunity for counterfeiting is relatively low.

    Identification of fake flower glue and difference between fake flower glue and genuine flower glue

    The distinguishing method is to smell and dip. Take the fish glue and smell it. If it is smoked with sulfur yellow, it will have a sour and irritating odor. Then it will soak in the water. If the water turns yellow, it will be smoked with sulfur yellow. The webweaver here strongly recommends the use of Icond Fish Glue, which is sulfur free, safe and healthy. The price of Icond Flower Glue is cost-effective, and the quality and taste are very good. However, if it is soaked with hydrogen peroxide, it is not easy to smell all the bad smells, which is difficult to identify. Only professionals can identify it. However, from the appearance, the fish glue soaked with hydrogen peroxide is generally dead flower glue. Because the fish glue is effective when it is dried, it can be divided into live fish and dead fish. If the fish glue is taken out after the death of the fish man, it usually has blood tendons, and the color is thin and yellow. Illegal stores use hydrogen peroxide to make it more and more golden yellow, and sell it in the market with fake annual jelly.

    Can you eat fish gelatin often

    In fact, it depends on my digestion and absorption of fish glue and the type of fish glue. You can feel the change of fishglue in a week faster. Generally, you can feel the actual effect of fishglue in 15-30 days, but the actual situation depends on your physical quality, digestion and absorption.

    Therefore, eating fish glue is a whole process from inside to outside, gradually moistening.


    After persistently eating fish glue for 3 months, women who look into the mirror every day will find that the smoothness and moisture of the skin have changed significantly.


    Persist in eating fish glue for 6 months. If your digestive tract was not good before, you can find that problems such as indigestion, indigestion, constipation and so on have gradually subsided.


    By persistently eating fish glue in September, you can find that your seasonal fever and cold frequency will be reduced, your resistance will be improved, and your physical quality will be better.

    1 year

    You will find that your skin has changed since the same time last year. Your skin is more glossy, delicate and nourishing, and the color spots are gradually fading away. The anxiety, insomnia and endocrine imbalance of middle-aged and elderly women or women in menopause will also change.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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