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How to make squid soup

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How to make squid soup


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:00

    The big squid is a common kind of cuttlefish. Its nutritional composition is very high, especially the protein. The protein has a great effect on our human body, and also has a very rich and colorful nutritional elements. The big squid can also reasonably prevent anemia. It is very good for women to eat more squid, especially the squid soup, Next, let's master the practice of big squid soup.

    Do you know how to make big squid soup? The actual effect of this soup is very good. The role of big squid in nourishing yin, nourishing blood and protecting skin is very good. There are many ways to eat it. It can be burned, fired and exploded. Today we will learn and train a common way to eat it: squid soup.

    Huai yam squid soup

    raw material

    250g squid plate, 100g yam, a small amount of vegetables (optional), a small amount of raw eggs, wheat flour, 1000ml bone soup, 1 teaspoon lemon water, 1 teaspoon fish sauce, edible oil, rice wine, light soy sauce, salt and chicken essence.


    1. Clean and cut large squid plates into strips, blanch them in boiling water for 1 minute, and then remove them.

    2. Peel and slice yams, and soak them in cold water. Clean and cut vegetables.

    3. Stir the egg mixture with wheat flour, and then put the vegetables into 70% boiling oil to fry.

    4. Pour 8 cups of big bone soup into the hot pot, add Huai yam, cook in lemonade, fish sauce, rice wine, and soy sauce until the Huai yam is soft and rotten, put in big squid strips, add salt and chicken essence, push them evenly, put them into a soup bowl, and put them into fried vegetables.


    Runchang Tongbian Tonghe, Quhuo Qingre detoxification, Ziyin Jianghuo, Ziyin Yangxue skin care.

    Tomato and Squid Soup

    raw material

    Tomatoes have a sweet and sour taste and bright colors. Especially the tomato sauce made of fresh tomatoes has a more prominent taste and color, which can be used to match meat products, especially seafood. It can't help but make people appetizing. The tomato squid soup introduced in detail today is full of color, aroma and taste, plus homemade tomato sauce (I always feel that the packaged tomato sauce tastes a bit choked). Be careful not to chew your mouth off! Condiments: salt free butter (packed in hard granules): 1 black pepper: 1/3 tablespoon white sugar: 1/2 tablespoon lemonade: 1/2 tablespoon salt: proper tomatoes: 4 large squid (fresh): 2 shrimp (about 300g): 150g garlic: 2 valve bottles of fresh cream: half cans of water: 5 bowls


    1. The big squid is cut to remove internal organs and black mucous membrane, cleaned and dried, and the oblique cutting edge is used to cut parallel knife lines inside the big squid, with the deep layer being 3/4 of the meat thickness; Turn the big squid 90 °, cut out parallel lines again, and then cut into strips about 5cm long and 3cm wide;

    2. Clean the shrimp (put it into the refrigerator quick freezing room for 30 minutes, easy to pull the shell), gently pull off the head, you can see the shrimp line connected, gently pull it, you can pull out the shrimp line, and then pull the shell. Grab the shrimps in the bag with cassava starch and rinse them with tap water. Repeat again, and the shrimps will be smoother;

    3. Clean and remove the stalks of tomatoes. Muddle 2 of them with a mixer, and cut 6 pieces of each of the remaining 2; Chop garlic into powder;

    4. Put salt free butter in a hot pot, melt it, and then saute the garlic paste, pour it into the tomato paste and stir fry it for three minutes;

    5. Pour in fresh cream, water, black pepper and tomato slices and boil them for 10 minutes, mixing them twice in the middle;

    6. Finally, put in the big squid and fresh shrimp, boil them, add lemonade, sugar and salt seasoning, and then take them.

    When it comes to big squid, we should eat it in our daily life. Many people also like it very much. If we hate the way of eating big squid, then we can make some simple squid soup. Today's detailed introduction of big squid soup is also suitable for everyone, especially those who like cooking.

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