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Harm of chlorphenamine

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Harm of chlorphenamine


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Chlorphenamine is a kind of medicine for treating allergy, but after taking it, there are some side effects, such as dry mouth and tongue, constipation and dry nasal mucosa. It cannot be taken for a long time, and it will continue to affect the reaction of the central nervous system. Therefore, for the application of Chlorphenamine, we should pay attention to its common problems. When chlorpheniramine is taken, we should slowly stop taking medicine to prevent dependence on drugs and carry out medical care when side effects of drugs occur.

    1. In addition to its strong anti allergy effect, chlorpheniramine also has the effect of anti M choline receptor. After taking chlorpheniramine, some side effects may occur, such as dry mouth and tongue, constipation, thickened sputum, and dry nasal mucosa. In addition, chlorpheniramine also has the effect of inhibiting the nerve center, so sometimes patients will continue to feel sleepy after taking medicine.

    2. It is not recommended to take chlorpheniramine for a long time. Long term use of chlorpheniramine may cause significant side effects such as sleepiness and palpitation. Some patients may also suffer from dizziness or fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Some patients will continue to suffer from skin abnormalities, such as skin ecchymosis or bleeding. If there is palpitation, side effects may also be related to arrhythmia, This kind of situation should cause alarm.

    3. Another is that if you take chlorpheniramine for a long time, it is very easy to cause the patient's body to become resistant to such drugs. Once you have resistance, it will be difficult to have good practical effects if you use it again next time. Therefore, no matter what reason you want to take chlorpheniramine, it is suggested that you should slowly discontinue the drug after your condition improves, Prevent drug dependence.

    common problem:

    There are three kinds of drugs. All drugs are not recommended to be taken for a long time, and chlorpheniramine is not included. Therefore, it is recommended that patients should take appropriate drugs when taking drugs. The amount, time, and methods of taking drugs must be mastered to minimize long-term taking.

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