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Honey cake making oven

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Honey cake making oven


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  • 2024-05-26 09:01:47

    Birthday cake is a kind of dessert that many people like, because it has a soft taste and is loved by people of all ages. There are many ways to make small cakes, and there are many kinds of cakes. But some people like to use pure honey to make cakes. For example, honey cake is a kind of birthday cake with different taste and moderate sugar content, How do you make this kind of honey cake in an electric oven? Now let's have a look.

    1、 Method of electric oven for honey cake

    Food: 100g wheat flour, pure honey, white granulated sugar and raw eggs are appropriate.


    1. Prepare all food.

    2. Put a piece of pure honey, white granulated sugar and raw eggs and grind them (into fresh cream).

    3. After grinding, add edible oil and mix well.

    4. Add wheat flour and stir it (it is OK to stir it, but not necessary to mix it)

    5. Apply a small amount of oil to the grinding tool, put it into the grinding tool, and sprinkle with dried blueberries. (The Manyue Plum needs to be cut carefully)

    6. Small oven, 130 ℃, middle and high floors, left and right tubes, 30 minutes up and down.

    7. Let it cool slightly and then take out the mold.

    common problem:

    The models and specifications of the ovens are different, and the temperature is different. Adjust the time according to your own electric oven; The size of abrasives is different, and the commonly used temperature and time are also different. Low gluten flour is stronger, and without it, ordinary wheat flour is also delicious. My is the ordinary wheat flour bought in the market, and the actual effect is also very good. If there is a small disposable paper cup for making cakes at home, put it in a disposable paper cup and bake it out better.

    2、 How to make honey cake

    1. Prepare common food, scatter raw eggs, add pure honey and white granulated sugar, and mix well.

    2. Pour boiling water into the pot, put the bowl containing raw eggs into the boiling water, and use the egg beater to beat the eggs.

    3. At the beginning, mix at a low speed until fine milk foam is produced, and then mix at a high speed. During the whole process of milling, the raw eggs will become more and more viscous. Until the electric egg beater is mentioned, the egg yolk liquid dripped can draw lines on the surface of the egg yolk liquid, which will not fade away for a long time. In addition, 2-3 cm of egg yolk liquid is not easy to drip on the top of the electric egg beater, This level indicates that we are ready to spend time.

    4. Add low gluten powder of sifting powder to the milled egg yolk liquid.

    5. Use an eraser scraper to stir the wheat flour and egg yolk liquid from the bottom up. It is not necessary to mix in circles to prevent the raw eggs from breaking milk.

    6. Take some flour paste and stir it with edible oil, then pour it into the remaining flour paste for stirring.

    7. Put the flour paste into a small disposable paper cup, and then put it into an electric oven heated at 170 ℃. Bake it for 12 minutes on the middle and low layers, with the left and right fires. The surface is orange.

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