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Do you need water for cake

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Do you need water for cake


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  • 2024-05-26 00:01:48

    A pot of herbal tea, a piece of mousse cake, a good book can spend a quiet and happy noon. I firmly believe that many beautiful women cannot resist the delicious temptation of mousse cake when enjoying this quality of life. The delicate taste has attracted many beautiful women. Today we will talk about why the delicious mousse cake can attract thousands of beautiful women? That starts with cream cheese.

    How to make yogurt mousse cake:

    1. Raw materials: 3 egg yolks, 20g unsalted butter, 3 pieces of digestive biscuits, 130g cream cheese, one teaspoon each of many spoons of low gluten flour and corn flour, 50ML plain yogurt, 50ML fresh cream, 40g fine granulated sugar, and one 6-inch cake grinder


    2. Grind digestive biscuits, add melted salt free butter, and mix

    3. Take a six inch cake grinder, wrap tin foil paper on the bottom, smear salt free butter nearby, pour the mixed cookies into the grinder, and use the spoon bottom to smooth

    4. Cream cheese is melted, stirred and ground at room temperature

    5. Add scattered egg yolk in three times, while adding and grinding

    6. Add yoghurt in three times, stirring while adding

    7. Pour in fresh cream and stir while adding

    8. Mix low gluten flour and corn flour with sifting flour, and mix evenly while adding

    9. Mix until the color of surface paste is uniform and there is no particle

    10. Reverse grinding tool

    11. Gently block twice to exhaust gas

    12. Heat the electric oven at 190 ℃ for 10 minutes, pour boiling water into the baking pan, and put it into the grinding tool. The middle and lower layers of the electric oven are changed to 140 ℃, which is easy to bake for 60 minutes

    13. It's announced. It smells good

    14. Sift fine granulated sugar (extra), and you can enjoy it. If you wrap a fresh-keeping bag and put it in the refrigerator for one night, you can eat it the next day, and the taste will be better!

    Mousse Cake Nutrition

    Today, mousse cake has become one of the most popular desserts in the world. In fact, the mousse cake is not only delicious, but also full of nutrients.

    1. Dairy products are the best choice of food ingredients for calcium and zinc supplementation. Cream cheese is the dairy product with the most calcium content. People say that "one kilogram of milk is one kilogram of cheese". With the maintenance of milk protein, this calcium is "safe" all the way to the colon, preventing chemical changes with other cations during digestion, so as to enhance digestion and absorption. Usually, the elderly and children can eat more;

    2. Cream cheese contains rich and colorful protein, vitamin D, D and biotin, which can improve the body's ability to work against diseases, promote metabolism, enhance vitality, protect eyesight, physical and mental health and maintain skin health;

    3. Lactobacillus beverage and metabolic substances in cream cheese have certain health care effects on the body, which is beneficial to maintain the stability and balance of all normal and beneficial bacteria in the human intestinal tract, and prevent constipation and diarrhea; It is also very good for those who are lactose intolerant. Because whey protein is discharged along with whey in the production process, eating cheese is not easy to cause discomfort like drinking pure milk;

    4. Cream cheese contains more human fat and energy, but its cholesterol content is relatively low, which is very good for cardiovascular health;

    5. American stomatologists believe that eating some cream cheese at meals is beneficial to prevent dental caries. Eating food with cream cheese can greatly increase the calcium content on the tooth surface, and thus has the effect of inhibiting dental caries.

    Cheese can produce protein, a variety of nutrients and other substances needed by the body. In addition, it can give people a sense of satiety for a long time and reduce the requirements for other high calorie foods. Therefore, from the perspective of nutritional composition, cheese can also promote weight loss and slimming. However, no matter how delicious the food is, we still need to be careful. What's more, we, who live in a period of rich and colorful materials, should choose this delicious mousse cake properly for our physical and mental health.


    2024-05-26 00:01:48

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