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How to recycle old brine

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How to recycle old brine


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  • 2024-05-26 06:00:00

    Marinated flavor is a kind of dish with a long history in China. It tastes very delicious and can be used for cooking. The marinade of each marinated dish can be reused for many times, and the next marinated dish will taste stronger and become fragrant. But if you want to reuse the brine for many times, you should do something about it. Now let's introduce how to reuse the old sauce and how to maintain it.

    Maintenance of brine:

    1. Every time the brine is finished, remove all the pickles, discard the brine bag, and filter the remaining brine twice with the soup residue bag to ensure the crystal shape of the soup.

    2. The bittern can be stored for one day at room temperature. If it needs to be stored for a short period of time, such as three or four days, it can be put into the refrigerator. If it needs to be stored for a long period of time, it can be put into the freezer. Every time, it can be stored for a period of time, and in summer, it can be stored for two weeks. It can be taken out and boiled for refrigeration before being put into the freezer.

    3. If marinated vegetables contain more body fat, put the marinade into the refrigerator to freeze the body fat, and then pick up the body fat.

    4. After long-term application, more than 15 times, the marinade can be added to the boiled marinade with chicken breast and minced meat to absorb some residue, but it is not suitable for

    Detailed introduction and matching of the sauce package: Ma pepper (Ma flavor, seven or eight pieces, can be used for frying), star anise (sweet, medium spicy, choose four or five pieces, can be used for frying), amomum villosum (spicy food, two pieces, can be used for frying), star anise (spicy, sweet, can be used for frying the size of the middle thumb of the ring finger, can be used for frying the pot), ginger (spicy, bitter, need to be removed after 20 minutes of sauce in the sauce) Dry hawthorn (sour, half a handful), liquorice (sweet, a little grasping), ligusticum chuanxiong (sweet, the flavor of ligusticum chuanxiong is very big, don't put it if you don't like it), dried chili (more spicy, like spicy, and put a little if you don't like it), shallots (spicy, sweet, and one root), dried oysters (fresh, but a little fishy, don't put it if you don't like it), cloves (sour, heavy flavor, put seven or eight), poria cocos (sour, small amount) , ginger slices (spicy, flatten the whole ginger slices), fresh chilli (spicy, according to my taste) Soy sauce (salty, fresh and colored, it's the best in Guangweixing, but @ Wenjia didn't get it at that time, but he has already contacted the basin friend who is engaged in export trade to help me. The soy sauce used today is Bihai's soy sauce, and the brine can be dark brown. If the soy sauce is not good, the brine will have a bitter taste) Soy sauce (salty, fresh and colored, it's also the best taste, but it hasn't been used yet, so don't make an evaluation. At this stage, it's OK to use Wanzi soy sauce, and the weight depends on your taste)

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