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Wild water celery pictures

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Wild water celery pictures


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Water celery is also known as wild celery. It is mainly produced in Henan Province, Zhejiang Province, Sichuan Province, Guangdong Province and other places in China. This kind of lettuce has thinner stems and shorter and more compact appearance, but the taste of lettuce is very strong. Usually, it can be mixed with cold vegetables or processed and taken. Water celery also has a certain health care function, which can clear away heat and heat, and also can promote dampness and reduce swelling. However, there are some taboos when it is delicious. Below is a detailed introduction to its functions and taboos. Everyone who likes water celery can understand what is the most important.

    Function and efficacy

    1. Prevent cancer

    Eating more water celery can reasonably prevent cancer. As water celery is a high fiber food, it can cause a lot of lignans after entering the human intestinal tract. This kind of material is a pure natural antioxidant ingredient, which can inhibit the specificity of pathogenic bacteria in the human intestinal tract, accelerate the excretion of endotoxin in the intestines and stomach, and reduce the probability of canceration of body tissues and cells, In turn, it has the key effect of preventing cancer.

    2. Prevent anemia

    Water celery is also a green dish with high nutritional elements. It contains rich and colorful nutritional element iron. This kind of material can promote the reconstruction of red blood cells, and has a certain effect on preventing and alleviating iron deficiency anemia. In addition, in daily life, these groups with pale, dry skin and light pigmented face can also eat more water celery, which can have a significant effect of enriching blood and qi, and can alleviate this poor disease caused by the deficiency of both qi and blood.

    3. Calm the nerves and help sleep

    Water celery can also calm the nerves and help sleep. It can reduce the negative emotions of human beings, and can also reduce the occurrence of upset, depression, anxiety and other undesirable diseases. Because the flavonoids contained in water celery, a medicinal ingredient that can immediately act on the human central nervous system, it has significant sedative effect.


    Although water celery is rich in nutrition and has various benefits for human body, it cannot be eaten together with yellow chrysanthemum, rabbit meat and loofah, hairy crabs and other cold foods, or it will aggravate the cold toxin in human body and cause a variety of diseases. In addition, water celery, like other lettuce, has significant blood pressure lowering effect. In daily life, people with lower blood pressure must try to avoid eating water celery, or it will aggravate hypotension, which will lead to poor symptoms such as fatigue or dizziness, which is bad for physical and mental health.

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