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What is the correct way to boil pear water

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What is the correct way to boil pear water


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    Pear is a common fruit in daily life. Its flesh is tender and white, its taste is crisp, its taste is sweet, and it has rich and colorful nutrients, and its types are diverse, such as Yali, Pear, Huangguan Pear, Xiangshui Pear, etc., which are loved by many people. Generally, it can be taken immediately after being washed. It can also be mixed with white fungus, old rock sugar, Chinese wolfberry, etc. to make pear water. This article briefly introduces the proper way to boil pear water.

    Pear. Its Poria cocos is sweet and sour, non-toxic. According to traditional Chinese medicine, pears are cold in nature and sweet in taste. They can produce fluid and quench thirst, moisten the lungs, stop coughing and dissipate phlegm. They are mainly used for diseases such as fever, fluid injury, restlessness, dry mouth, dry lung and cough. Pear also has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying and calming nerves. It also has excellent auxiliary effects for patients with hypertension, heart disease, insomnia and dreaminess. In addition, it is also a health care fresh fruit for patients with hepatitis and kidney disease in autumn. Pear is suitable for eating, but it is not suitable for eating more. If it is too much, it will hurt the intestines and stomach, and help damp. Therefore, those with spleen deficiency and loose stools should be careful. After verification, the most suitable materials are Yali and Pear. Fragrant Pear can also be used.

    Rock sugar stewed pear is a healthy drink. It is a nourishing soup made of snow pear pieces and old rock sugar. Its Poria cocos is sweet and sour, and non-toxic. It has the functions of promoting fluid and thirst, invigorating the spleen and treating diarrhea, harmonizing the stomach and reducing adverse reactions, relieving cough and moistening the lungs, and is beneficial to human organs and lungs.

    1. At present, there are many kinds of pears on the market, but Xuehua Pear is the best for cooking pear water. The best way to make pear water is to use Xuehua Pear. Because Xuehua Pear has high efficacy and function, it can purify the heart, moisten the lungs, stop coughing, relieve constipation, stop coughing and resolving phlegm, moisten the lungs, relieve wind, and detoxify alcohol. The Chinese herbal medicine "Ligao" is made of Xuehua Pear and Chinese herbal medicine. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shizhi of Ming Dynasty, "snow pear is nourishing and sour in nature". According to modern scientific research, pears can produce fluid and quench thirst, invigorate the spleen and appetizer, and aid digestion. The sycamore made of snow pear plus pure honey or old rock sugar, and the pear sugar paddle have significant effects on chronic bronchitis.

    2. Soak dried tremella with small bubbles in advance, remove the stalk and break it into a small piece for stewing pear with various rock sugar (20 pieces);

    3. Snow pear is washed, peeled and cut into blocks, without peeling, and the skin is very nutritious;

    4. Put the snow pear, old rock sugar, medlar and soaked white fungus into the pot;

    5. Add 2L water and boil it;

    6. It can be boiled up and down for 40 minutes, and the key is drinking water.

    7. There is no need to remove the pear peel when boiling the pear water. Because the nutrition of the pear peel is very rich and colorful, it is reassuring, and it is not easy to have a bitter taste.

    common problem

    Pear taboo and crab stick are eaten together. Because of the cold nature of pears, crabs are also cold and beneficial. Eating both together can kill the stomach and intestines. Pear taboo and greasy, hot and cold food can easily cause diarrhea

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