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Effect of Astragalus, American ginseng and Chinese wolfberry soaking in water

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Effect of Astragalus, American ginseng and Chinese wolfberry soaking in water


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  • 2024-05-25 22:01:43

    It is a very simple method to drink Astragalus, American ginseng and Chinese wolfberry in water, but this simple method has very high efficacy and effect. The key is that Chinese medicinal materials such as Astragalus, American ginseng and Chinese wolfberry can tonify the kidney and strengthen yang, and have the actual effect of nourishing the stomach and kidneys. It is very beneficial for the physical recovery after giving birth to children and their diseases. For the efficacy and function of American ginseng, Chinese wolfberry and astragalus in soaking water, we can grasp the content of this article clearly.

    Effect of American ginseng, Chinese wolfberry and astragalus membranaceus on soaking in water

    What's the effect of soaking scutellaria, medlar and ginseng together? Many Chinese medicinal materials can be used for soaking in water. Have you ever tried scutellaria, wolfberry and ginseng together? Next, let's give you a practical introduction to the role of scutellaria baicalensis, wolfberry and American ginseng in soaking water!

    The boiled water of ginseng, wolfberry and scutellaria has the effects of tonifying qi and blood, nourishing yin and fluid, nourishing spleen, moistening lung and relieving cough, nourishing kidney, nourishing kidney, clearing eyes, strengthening human body and improving human immunity. Ginseng has the functions of moistening the lung and lowering the fire, strengthening the spleen and stomach, promoting fluid and thirst, nourishing blood, calming the nerves and helping sleep. It is often used to treat lung yin deficiency, asthmatic cough due to deficiency of fire, hemoptysis, fever, dryness of yin, and weakness after illness. Lycium barbarum, on the other hand, has the function of nourishing the kidney and improving the eyesight. It is often used for deficiency and loss of essence, aching waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, internal fire to quench thirst, deficiency of both qi and blood, yellow wax, blurred vision and other diseases. The specific effect of astragalus membranaceus is to enrich qi and blood, strengthen qi, facilitate urination and toxin support, discharge pus, and collect sore and toxin. It is used for qi deficiency, fatigue, loose stools with little food, sinking of middle qi, chronic diarrhea, anal discharge, bloody stool, menstrual bleeding, night sweats with superficial deficiency, edema due to qi deficiency, carbuncle, and thirst quenching with internal fire.


    2024-05-25 22:01:43

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