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After one year of eating jujube every day

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After one year of eating jujube every day


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Red jujube is a kind of food with high nutritional content, which can have the practical effect of beauty and beauty, and the big jujube contains calcium and iron, which can cure the symptoms of anemia and improve human immunity, so women are particularly suitable for taking big jujube in physiological period. If a woman persists in eating red dates for a year, it can promote the conversion of white blood cell count into, and also promote the reconstruction of blood. You can come to know about it.

    1、 It can reasonably prevent osteoporosis and anemia

    To understand that the calcium and iron content of jujube is very high. Children in the process of growing up and the elderly who have stepped into the link of the elderly should eat more red dates, which can prevent osteoporosis. People who usually get dizzy and anemic after squatting for a long time should also eat more.

    2、 Jujube can improve the immune ability of the body

    From the perspective of technical expertise, jujube can promote the conversion of white blood cell count into. We know that the key use value of white blood cell counting itself is to swallow various viruses and harm somatic cells. Therefore, if you can often eat red dates, your immunity will become stronger and stronger.

    3、 Reasonably prevent gallstones

    Jujubes are rich in vitamin C. The undigested cholesterol in the body can be converted into bile acid with the effect of vitamin C. Therefore, people who like to eat red dates have a lower probability and possibility of gallstones.

    What are the benefits of drinking jujube water every day? The function and efficacy of making tea with jujube slices

    Put some chrysanthemums and medlar in the red jujube water, which has the effect of reducing fire, moistening lung, relieving cough, beautifying and skin care. It's really good. Jujube is warm in nature. It is recommended to take it together with cold food to reduce fire in summer and autumn to prevent easy fire.

    What are the benefits of drinking jujube water every day

    1. Body detoxification and liver protection

    According to the test, taking appropriate jujube tea every day can have a very good liver tonic effect, which is very suitable for patients with poor liver function examination.

    If you eat a cup of jujube and soak in water every day, and then persevere for a week, the serum protein in the human body will be improved reasonably, which will have a very good effect of protecting the liver and detoxifying the body. In that way, not only will the liver function test become more and more healthy, but also the skin will become better and better.

    2. Invigorate blood and qi

    Red jujube has the effect of enriching blood and qi, which should be a benefit that many people know. If you add a proper amount of jujube to your usual diet or milk tea, you can have a very good effect of nourishing the health of the human body and enriching qi and blood. You can use dates and raw eggs to simmer until cooked, and then take them while they are hot. If you want to speed up the actual effect, you can also add dried longans and old brown sugar to your diet.

    3. Sleep aid

    If a female patient is restless, uneasy or has poor sleep quality, it can match red dates with lilies and their lotus seeds, which can have a very good practical effect of calming the nerves and helping sleep.

    In addition, you can also put jujube into the pot and cook porridge with millet, so that you can give full play to the actual effect of jujube in calming the nerves and helping sleep.

    4. Invigorate the spleen and stomach

    People with spleen and stomach deficiency, diarrhea, fatigue and fatigue can eat seven red dates every day, or share resources with Codonopsis pilosula and Atractylodes macrocephala Poria, which can benefit qi, spleen and stomach, improve appetite and treat diarrhea; Jujube is used together with ginger slices and pinellia ternata to cure stomach diseases such as stomach swelling and vomiting caused by careless diet.

    5. Prevent cardiovascular disease

    Soaking dates in water can help maintain blood vessel patency and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Because the rich and colorful organic compounds contained in jujube can be easily dissolved in the whole process of soaking, a large cup of jujube can achieve excellent health care effects.

    The height of jujube depends on its attitude.

    Jujube pericarp is hard to digest and absorb. If the whole fruit is mixed, it is difficult to mix its ingredients completely, so it is better to peel it off and mix it again.

    It should also be noted that fresh jujube is not suitable for mixing or frying. This is because its vitamin C content is very high, boiling with boiling water will destroy vitamin C.

    However, what are the disadvantages of eating red dates?

    1、 Women with hotter physique

    Why do women in southern China choose to eat red dates during the month? The key is that many regions in the south are wet and cold, so most women's body condition is cold. Because of the cold body, eating more hot dates can achieve the actual effect of conditioning the human body.

    But if your own physical quality is hot, a lot of jujube intake will cause menstrual disorders, excessive menstruation and a series of problems.

    2、 A woman with heavy moisture in her body

    If your menstrual period often appears human edema, it means that your body's moisture is heavier, and it is not suitable for jujube. Because of its sweet jujube, if you eat too much, it is very easy to produce phlegm, causing a lot of moisture in the body to accumulate in the body, which aggravates the main symptoms of edema.

    3、 Diabetics

    The sugar content in the jujube is high. After eating the jujube, the sugar in the jujube can be further converted into glucose, which makes the blood sugar index of diabetic patients keep soaring and makes the treatment of diabetes more and more difficult.

    4、 Patients with exogenous wind heat

    If you get exogenous wind heat, eating more jujube will cause a series of diseases such as diarrhea, and damage to the intestines and stomach is also very big.

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