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Food that is opposite to sweet potatoes

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Food that is opposite to sweet potatoes


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:00

    Sweet potatoes belong to sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are also called yams and taros. There are many names about sweet potatoes, but sweet potatoes have high efficacy and good nutrition. However, what we need to know is some food ingredients that are mutually exclusive of sweet potatoes. If we eat them together, it may not only cause some discomfort and pressure, but also affect the human body, What are some common questions about eating sweet potatoes?

    Sweet potato is the root block of sweet potato, a green plant of Convolvulaceae. It is also called sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, yam, sweet potato, taro, and potato. There are red and white varieties.

    Sweet potato food list, and sweet potato food

    Tomatoes and sweet potatoes are antagonistic: eating together can lead to stone disease, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

    Raw eggs and sweet potatoes are antagonistic: eating together will cause abdominal pain.

    Crab and sweet potato are mutually exclusive: eating together is very easy to turn into a ball in the body.

    The persimmon cake is different from the sweet potato: it tastes sweet and cold, can clear away heat, detoxify, produce fluid, quench thirst, moisten the lungs and stop coughing, and contains protein, glycogen, human fat, arabic gum, tannin, vitamins and carbonate and other nutrients. Sweet and mild sweet potato, nourishing yin and blood gas, nourishing blood, strengthening kidney yang, and containing many nutrients such as glycogen.

    These two ingredients are good for human body if taken separately, but bad for human body if eaten separately. After eating sweet potato, people's stomach will produce a lot of hydrochloric acid, while persimmon cake will settle under the effect of stomach acid. The precipitates will be accumulated together, which will produce a mass of insoluble water. It is difficult to digest and absorb, and it is not easy to discharge. It is very easy to get gastrolithiasis. Therefore, sweet potato and persimmon cake are not suitable for taking separately.

    Sweet potato (English: sweet potato), alias: Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam It is also known as taro, red taro, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato (in the northern region), sweet potato (in many regions), sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, pillow potato, fange, white taro, fennel sweet potato, red skin sweet potato, sprouted sweet potato, etc.

    The annual woody plant of Convolvulaceae, belonging to the order Tubularia, is more than 2 meters long, lying flat on the road and slanting. The leaves are generally wide oval, 4-13 cm long and 3-13 cm wide. The Carola is light pink, milky white, light purple or bluish purple, bell shaped or funnel shaped, 3-4 cm long, horny egg shaped or flat, with a pseudodiaphragm, divided into four chambers, with underground tubers, and the tubers are spindle shaped, The epidermis is beige or dark purple.

    Sweet potato contains protein, cassava starch, arabic gum, methyl cellulose, carbohydrates, vitamins and a variety of minerals, and is known as "long-life food". Sugar content shall be 15% - 20%. It has the functions of preventing cancer, maintaining the heart, preventing emphysema, diabetes, weight loss, etc. In the Compendium of Materia Medica written by Li Shixie in the Ming Dynasty, it was recorded that "sweet potatoes nourish yin and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and strengthen the kidney and yang." It was said that people in the sea live long. Chinese medicine regards sweet potato as a panacea.

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