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How to eat Maka dried fruit

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How to eat Maka dried fruit


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  • 2024-05-25 15:00:00

    Everyone knows what Maka dried fruit is, and its benefits and effects are also very good. Many men choose to eat it, and it can give men more confidence in their sexual life. Many patients want to buy a Maka, but they don't know how to eat it. Moreover, there are many ways to eat Maka with different effects. Some people who buy Maka are worried and don't know how to eat it. Let's find out how to eat Maka dried fruit.

    1. It is the most convenient way to use Maka at present to take Maka essence tablets, Maka capsules and other professional Maka products directly. It is also the most effective way. Generally, it is taken every day according to the meal time, that is, three times in the morning, noon and evening. It is taken with warm water on an empty stomach before meals. Take Inga Timaka Essence Tablets for example, take 2-4 tablets three times a day.

    2. 30g Maka dry slices, 10 red dates, stone the red dates, wash them for use. Put the pot on the fire, add some water, boil it with high heat, put in red dates and macaroni slices, cover the pot and boil for 35 minutes.

    3. Slice the maca, put it into the pot with the seasoning, and simmer slowly, so that the nutrients in the maca can diffuse into the soup at the bottom of the pot. Generally speaking, 2-3 people can eat it, and a complete maca slice can be put into it.

    4. Macagan is soaked in a water tank and mixed with many different ingredients, including a pinch of fresh papaya, some condensed milk, as well as eggs, honey, vanilla and bananas. After continuous mixing, it is finally made into a delicious Macagan drink.

    5. When stewing chicken, duck, meat, ribs, soup, etc., add 10 grams of Maka slices/200ml of soup 30 minutes before the ceasefire, and drink 50ml/day.

    6. Slice Maka and liquor, brew liquor of 42-56 degrees according to the weight g: volume ml of 1:20 for 2 weeks, and drink 25ml/day; The soaked macaca is generally taken at the meal time every day, that is, three times in the morning, noon and evening. It is taken with warm water on an empty stomach before meals. If (Shifa 1) continue to eat.

    7. Slice the Maka and put it into the strong liquor brewed with pure high grain. After a long time of processing, the effective ingredients of the Maka can be fully diffused into the alcohol. One month later, the liquor can be directly poured out and ready to drink (8-10 slices can be put into one kilogram of liquor). This is Maka Paojiu.

    8. Mix the juice of more than one banana, sesame paste, honey, peanut butter/almond or nut paste with the macaca powder and milk, and finally make the macaca banana milk shake. This is relatively simple.

    9. To make Maka millet porridge, shred lean pork and cook porridge with yams, dates and millet. Add Maka dry pieces 25 minutes before the porridge is cooked until the porridge is cooked.


    2024-05-25 15:00:00

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