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Are prunes high in calories?

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Are prunes high in calories?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In our daily life, all kinds of fresh fruits not only take our appetite into consideration, but also can show us a lot of nutrients. In addition, some fresh fruits themselves have a certain role in health preservation, can help us deal with specific human problems, and can also prevent and treat diseases. In daily life, there are many people who like to eat prunus mume. So is the calorific value of prunus mume high?

    Ximei has a certain weight loss.

    The calorific value of every 100 grams of prunes is 39 calories, and the fat rate is 0.1 grams. It is a well deserved low calorie, low fat fresh fruit. The water-soluble pure natural gum arabic and insoluble fiber materials contained in prunes can also promote intestinal peristalsis and reduce endotoxin in the body.

    Plum can also produce maltitol and sorbitol in the body, promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, adjust beneficial bacteria in the intestines, soften the feces in the intestines and stomach, and achieve the goal of weight loss. However, the sugar content of prune is a little high, so pay attention to the intake during weight loss.

    1、 Introduction

    West plum was originally a dried green plum. The green plum of California in the United States comes from the southwest region of the Netherlands and is the hometown of green plum. The shape is like apricot plum. Plum contains rich and colorful vitamin D and methyl cellulose. In addition, it also contains minerals such as copper and potassium, but no human fat and cholesterol.

    Simei can help the elderly to supplement iron, zinc and potassium, strengthen the body and bones, and enable children to improve various vitamins. Plum is fragrant, soft and mellow. As a seasoning, it has the fragrance of licorice, which is the top grade of modern scientific diet. Ximei is not just a snack. It can be made into various delicious food with various raw materials. Plum not only can be eaten as snacks, but also can be used as food. It is suitable for fruit salad, dessert, dinner and condiment. There are also many production and processing commodities of prune, such as prune jerky, prune juice, prune cake, etc., which can not only satisfy the good fortune, but also be beneficial to physical and mental health.

    2、 Mode

    (1) Eat immediately

    1. Wash the prunes with cold water, and then soak them in eating brine for a period of time.

    2. There will be some pesticide residues on the surface of prunes, so it is better to clean the prunes and take them again.

    (2) Drink juice

    1. Prepare 4 prunes, 1 towel gourd and proper pure honey in advance.

    2. Clean the prunes, remove the inner shell and cut a small piece; Clean the loofah and cut it into small pieces.

    3. Put the prune block and the towel gourd block together in the juice machine. After beating, put them into the cup, add proper amount of pure honey, and mix well.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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