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Tips for sprouting soybeans

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Tips for sprouting soybeans


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In daily life, many people like bean sprouts very much. Winter is the most suitable time for bean sprouts. Mung bean sprouts and soybean sprouts are the two most common types of bean sprouts in daily life, It also requires some tips to sprout soybeans. Not only the temperature should be moderate, but also the level of soybeans should be moderate. What tips are there for sprouting soybeans?

    Way of sprouting:

    1. Select a large, round and smooth soybean, find a large basin with proper size, put the soybean into the basin, pour it into drinking water, and soak the soybean. Soak the soybeans until they look like they are blossoming (from circular to elliptical), and throw away the water. If the house is warm, the whole process will take about half a day.

    2. Get a clean cloth (sand cloth or steamer cloth), wet with tap water, and cover it on the hair of soybeans. At this time, there should be no water in the basin. Then find a warm place to place it. It is not necessary to put it in the area where the sun shines. Wait for soybeans to sprout.

    3. Next, after seeing that most of the soybeans have already sprouted, I carefully selected them and picked out the ones that have not sprouted. Then it all depends on how many bean sprouts are prepared in advance to select a suitable basin. The best way is to find a basin that is suitable in size and has loopholes in the lower system. (Ha, the broken basin in daily life has a foothold.) Carefully load the sprouted soybeans into it, and be careful not to touch the newly sprouted soybeans. Then find a basin slightly larger than the one just now, which is watertight. Wade a wooden board or two sticks on the detailed washbasin. In a word, put the washbasin with system loopholes on it, and make sure the leaking holes are not blocked.

    4. Then it was watering. In the case of the first irrigation, the drinking water shall be poured down from the top of the soybeans evenly, so that every piece of soybeans can be drenched in water (take away the sand cloth in the case of irrigation). The water flows down the gap between the soybeans and out of the system leak of the washbasin to the washbasin below. In the case of watering later, use the water stored in the lower basin. The water will naturally become lower and lower. In case of insufficient water, add drinking water. There is no limit to the frequency of watering every day. With more frequency, bean sprouts look fast.

    5. When it grows high enough, it can be eaten. In case of pulling, you can give priority to the areas where the bean sprouts are densely grown, so as to give way to the areas where the bean sprouts are below. Cut off the root of the pulled bean sprouts, pick up the remaining pods, wash the bean sprouts, and then you can cook.

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