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What's taboo about eating razor clams?

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What's taboo about eating razor clams?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    There are many people who like to eat bamboo clams in their daily life, because they can give full play to the role of clearing heat and eliminating fire after eating them, and can also help people to add a lot of protein, in addition, they can also add a lot of high-quality protein. Naturally, bamboo clams can also give full play to the effect of sobriety for pot friends who are often drunk. For children, they can sometimes eat a little because it can strengthen their brains. So, what's the taboo of bamboo clams when they are eaten?

    Where can I not eat bamboo clams?

    The internal organs of bamboo razor clams cannot be eaten. You should remove the internal organs when doing so, otherwise the teeth will feel uncomfortable when eating. The bought bamboo razor clams soaked in salt water can make the crushed stones spit clean. After the water is boiled for 10 seconds, the shell of bamboo razor clams will open, and then the internal organs will be squeezed and the black box on the shell will be removed before frying.

    Can you eat bamboo clams after they die? Generally speaking, dead bamboo clams are not recommended to be taken again. Because of their high protein content, bamboo clams are very easy to grow mold after death, and then mildew quickly. Eating them is not good for your health.

    When picking bamboo clams, you must pick live ones. If they are dead, they will eat bad. When buying, ask the merchant for some sea surface to spit sand. Put the bamboo clam on the sea surface and immerse it thoroughly. If there is no sea surface, use the home drinking water and add some salt instead. Keep it for half a day and let it spit sand quietly.

    If the tap water does not open the shell, it is a dead bamboo clam, which can not be eaten after being discarded. Take the cooked razor clam meat out of the shell. There is fine sand on the shell, which affects the taste. When eating, remove a circle of black strips near the bamboo razor clam, and also remove the grayish black part of the razor clam meat.

    How to choose Solen Bamboo?

    The first thing to look at is the color of the shell of bamboo clam. If the color is orange or light yellow, it means that the shell is thin and the meat is rich; If the color of the shell is dark gray and black, it means that the shell is thicker and there is less meat inside.

    Then you should touch it hard. Generally, bamboo razor clams in the vegetable area are raised on the sea surface. The shell is slightly extended and will close when touched by the hand, indicating that they are alive; If you touch it but don't move, you will be dead if you feel stiff. You don't need to buy it.

    Finally, I will teach you another move. When choosing, you need to see whether there is fine sand on the surface of the bamboo clam. It is not necessary to think that sand on the surface is fresh. In fact, this not only aggravates the net weight, but also shows that there is a lot of fine sand in the meat of the bamboo clam.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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