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What are the efficacy and taboos of Job's tears tea?

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What are the efficacy and taboos of Job's tears tea?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Coix tears is also called Coix tears, which belongs to a very common Chinese herbal medicine. In daily life, people prefer to use Coix tears as food in tonic soup or porridge. It's just that in the case of making job's tears porridge or job's tears soup, it needs to be cooked for a longer time. Because job's tears, once not cooked, will not only affect the taste, but also affect the health care. So, what are the functions and taboos of Coix barley tea?

    It is not recommended to take it for a long time. The key role of Job's tears is to clear away heat and damp, and cure summer dampness and edema. Simply put, promote urination. Sodium (salt) oxide and potassium are the most common and very easy to be discharged from the body. When the body does not immediately supplement the minerals after long-term favorable urination, the metabolism disorder of the body occurs, mainly showing mental disorder, arrhythmia, sleepiness, stupidity, weakness of muscle reflex surface, etc.

    Method of Job's tears tea

    Raw materials: 10g fried Coix Seed, 5g fresh lotus leaf, 5g hawthorn fruit.

    Method: boil the above raw materials with heat.

    Function: eliminate black spots and whiten skin.

    Simple processing of job's seed tea:

    Clean the barley seed with water and take it out (it's better to filter the water with a stainless steel screen). Find a clean pan, turn on the gentle fire, spread the Coix Seed in the pan, and fry it gradually. The fire doesn't need to be bigger, but it often needs to roll barley kernels. The stir fried Coix barley seed is soaked in boiling water like tea. It has a light smell of rice, which can not only whiten the skin but also help with edema obesity.

    Practice of Coix Seed Congee

    Raw materials: a handful of job's tears, a small amount of white sesame, a handful of black beans, a small amount of peanut kernels, several petals of lily

    1 black bean, proper old brown sugar, 2 walnuts

    Method: Soak black beans, black beans and job tears in small water for 2 hours, and then boil them together for 2 hours

    Function: protect kidney, grow hair and nourish hair


    Coix seed oil has the effects of excitement, antipyretic, anti alopecia, antiphlogistic and purulent. It can also inhibit the development of tumor cells.

    1. Hair beautification: It has the effect of nourishing hair, preventing hair loss, and making hair shiny, clean and soft.

    2. For skin: It has significant effect on facial acne and unsmooth skin. In addition, it has absorption power to ultraviolet light. Its extract can also achieve the practical effect of sunscreen isolation and blocking ultraviolet light when added to skin care products.

    In addition, Coix Job's tears, as a kind of cereal, can be blanched or fried, which is more beneficial to digestion and absorption of gastrointestinal tract. People who feel tired and weak often can eat more. Coix seed contains rich and colorful protein decomposing fruit enzymes, which can soften the skin cutin. It is also effective for those with warts and uneven skin.

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