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Cleaning and practice of live abalone

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Cleaning and practice of live abalone


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  • 2024-05-26 03:01:49

    Oyster is a very common and precious food in our daily life. Oyster tastes delicious and has high nutritional content. However, many people do not know how to clean fresh live abalone or what the practice of abalone is. Next, we will have a detailed understanding of this problem and look forward to helping you.


    How to wash fresh abalone

    Basic cleaning surface

    First, clean the surface of the oyster. You can use a toothbrush to clean the shell of the oyster.

    The second step is to separate the meat and shell of the oyster in two ways:

    (1) Use special tools such as a fruit knife, a spoon or a small rice spoon (preferably for beginners but not easy to hurt hands) to select from the flat side, slice the shell, and completely separate the abalone meat from the shell. Those who use knives must be careful. Safety comes first.

    (2) After washing the oysters, throw them into the pot. After boiling, you can easily separate the meat and shell with a knife.


    At this time, you can see the grayish black or yellowish oyster intestines, and remove the viscera.

    In fact, the viscera can be fried to be crisp by dry frying, and then sprinkled with some pepper powder, which is also delicious.

    Stomach and esophagus of mouthpiece

    The mouth of the oyster is at the narrower end of the oyster body, and there is a stomach tube inside. When dissolved, it must be removed together with the mouthpiece to prevent affecting the taste. Washing mucus

    Clean the adhesive mucus with raw salt, and then clean it with cold water.

    A Complete List of Abalone Practices

    Stir fried Squid with Celery

    raw material:

    1 yellow croaker, 1 spoonful of white rice vinegar, 2-3 celery, 4-5 black fungus, 1 spoonful of rice wine, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of oil consumption, a small amount of pepper powder, a small amount of salt, a small amount of monosodium glutamate, 4 spoonfuls of cold water, 1/2 spoonfuls of cheese powder, 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil


    1. Yellow croaker evisceration, eyes, cartilage, foot piece glass sucker. Clean with cold water, add a spoonful of white rice vinegar, soak for 3-5 minutes, and then tear the pieces.

    2. Put a 45 degree scalpel on the inside of the yellow croaker, slowly, without breaking it.

    3. Black fungus bubble early, tear small flowers; Celery trimmed and flaked;

    4. Boil a pot of water. After the water boils, put the yellow croaker on the horse and pick it up. If the water is too cold, reserve it. As soon as the yellow croaker entered the boiling water, it rolled up and immediately fished out.

    5. Chop garlic and ginger. Rice wine, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, pepper powder, monosodium glutamate, cheese powder and cold water are mixed into the sauce.

    6. Boil oil in a wok, add ginger slices and garlic puree, and fry in a wok. Add celery and black fungus and stir fry. Push the celery and black fungus aside and stir fry the yellow croaker. Add the adjusted sauce, stir fry and then start the pot.


    2024-05-26 03:01:49

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