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Does corn starch make bean jelly noodles

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Does corn starch make bean jelly noodles


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In summer, the average temperature is also relatively high in high temperature weather. In that case, many people have a reduced appetite. They have always felt that they have no appetite and do not want to eat. If they eat a bowl of spicy cold noodles in that case, they will feel completely different. Nowadays, many people like to make their own cold noodles, and the main material used is corn flour, Pea starch, corn starch, etc., make the cool skin very smooth and strong.

    Do corn flour make jelly

    Corn flour (mung bean starch, corn starch, sweet potato starch, mixed cassava starch, etc, Mix it again and heat it gently until it is transparent. Pour it into the grinding tool to cool it. Then cut it into strips and mix it with seasoning.


    Raw materials: 1 cup of corn flour, proper cold water, peanut kernel, chilli oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar

    Manufacturing process:

    1. Take a cup of cassava starch, add a small amount of it to wash and stir it into cassava starch paste;

    2. Add water to boil the pan after scalding (water can easily clean the paste in the pan after scalding), slowly pour the cassava starch paste into the pan, and mix while pouring;

    3. Mix the heated mixture until it becomes transparent;

    4. Put the burnt paste into the plate (it is easy to get rid of it with a little oil in the basin), scrape it flat, and put it in the refrigerator until it congeals;

    5. Demould the dish with cold skin, cut it into strips or pieces;

    6. Heat the chili oil with salt, peanut kernels, ginger slices and other spices and pour them on the cold skin;

    7. Add soy sauce or rice vinegar according to the taste.


    1. The proportion of water should be appropriately increased or decreased according to the diet structure, and water should not be too much to prevent failure to take shape.

    2. The sauce poured on can be prepared independently according to different taste.

    Other methods of cold skin

    Food: pea starch, salt, water

    1. Pour about 200g of appropriate cassava starch into a bowl, sprinkle with a teaspoon of edible salt, mix, add some cold water until well mixed.

    2. Add a proper amount of cold water to the pot, boil it on high fire, and then turn off the fire. When the mixed cassava starch is poured in, grab it with a colander and filter it, and directly enter the pot. After all the cassava starch is put in the pot, turn on the gentle fire again. At the beginning of cooking, mix it all the way and do not be lazy. When it is thicker, cover it and stew for ten minutes.

    3. When the time is up, put the thick cassava starch in the pot into a clean basin and cool it out, or put it in the refrigerator to cool it better.

    4. Until the third or fourth childhood, the cold skin had already completely congealed. Dip in some cold water, then gently move the cold skin and it can fall off. When it comes out, it can be cut into half pieces and eaten with cold powder.

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