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Preparation Method of Noodles

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Preparation Method of Noodles


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    There are 55 ethnic minorities in China, and each ethnic minority has its own unique ingredients. Noodles is a characteristic ingredient of Xinjiang Province, which is very symbolic. Many Xinjiang people who are away from home like to eat the ingredients of their hometown Sete, and many other Chinese people also like to make noodles. Here is a detailed introduction to the way to make noodles for their relatives.

    1、 Practice

    Generally, after slaughtering sheep, the internal organs of the sheep are carefully removed, and the sheep lungs are washed with cold water until they are white and colorless. The sheep intestines are turned over and reserved. Cut the lamb liver, heart and small amount of sausage oil into hard particles, add proper white pepper, five spice powder, salt and washed rice, and mix them evenly to make stuffing. Fill the sausage. Then wash the white flour out of the noodles. After the noodle water responds, decant a lot of cold water, leave a small amount of cold water to stir into the batter, take the small stomach and put it on the lung bronchus, sew it with a thread, then scoop out the batter spoon by spoon and pour it into the small stomach, and squeeze it into the lung alveoli. Then, a small amount of water mixed with salt, vegetable oil, five spice powder and chili powder is extruded into the alveoli by the method. Then go to the lower abdomen and tie the bronchial tube with a rope to seal it. Then boil the rice intestines, noodles, cleaned mutton and noodles wrapped with a small amount of chili with rope. When cooking, when the rice in the intestines is half cooked, pierce the intestines with a chisel to let air and water into the intestines to prevent the intestines from bursting. Take it off after cooked, cut it into tablets with a little cool, and take it together.

    2、 The method is: wash the sheep lungs and intestines. Wash the noodles out with water, give oil and salt as thick, pour them into the lungs of the noodles, fasten the bronchi, and put them into water to cook for two hours. Rice sausage is made of chopped sheep liver, sheep heart, sheep sausage oil, white pepper, five spice powder, and salt, mixed with rice, boiled with tap water for 30 minutes, pierced in the intestines to make it leak steam, and cooked in an hour.

    3、 Nutritional composition

    Rice sausage and noodles have fresh glutinous intestines and tender lungs. Sheep head meat and noodles are chewy, fragrant and refreshing. Their taste is different from others. They are really the best national taste in Xinjiang.

    4、 Cooking method

    1. Noodles with cold dishes

    First blanch it with boiling water, and then mix it with vinegar, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, chili oil, etc. You can take it

    2. Oil explosion of noodles

    Bring the oil to a boil, put it in the pot and saute it with chili, onion and other oil, and put in appropriate edible vinegar, salt, chicken essence and soy sauce.

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