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Homely practice of authentic beef stew

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Homely practice of authentic beef stew


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    Stewed beef is mainly used to make soup. In the selection of beef and mutton, beef tendon meat needs to be cut into large pieces, boiled in boiling water to remove all the blood inside the beef and mutton, peeled ginger and cut into small pieces, put the food into the pot and select cold water to boil, boil the water after the fire, skim the white foam and stew the beef and mutton again in a gentle fire until the beef and mutton are soft and rotten, and then add salt, As only the beef and mutton are crunchy and then salted, they can taste better. Adding salt early not only destroys nutrients, but also can't taste pure.

    Stewed Beef Soup

    The simple stewed beef is the best way to highlight the original delicious food. The method of no oil stains also makes the human body free from too much pressure. It is a refreshing food suitable for early autumn~

    raw material

    Beef tenderloin 2.5kg ginger 250g green 16 dry bay leaves 2g Chinese prickly ash grains 2 tablespoons wine 100ml water appropriate


    Cut beef tendon into pieces, scald to remove blood

    The ginger is peeled and cut into slices. The green ginger is divided into two bundles and tied up

    Put all the food in the pot, add cold water over the food, boil it in the fire, turn it to simmer until the beef and mutton are crunchy, and finally use appropriate Fuqing seasoning

    Stewed Beef Soup (enriching blood and qi)

    raw material

    Beef tendinous meat 400g turnip 250g carrot 100g onion 1/4 cabbage 150g tomato 1 ginger 1 slice


    Cut turnips and carrots into 0.5cm thick pieces.

    Slice onions. Seeded and sliced tomatoes. Sliced cabbage. Ginger cleaning.

    After the big pot of water is boiled, the beef tendon and meat are scalded to remove the blood.

    First, put the original beef tendon, radish, carrot and ginger slices into a pot, fill it with water, bring it to a boil, pick up the residue, cover it and boil it for 1 hour. After 1 hour, add onion, tomato and Korean dish. After 20 minutes of simmering, remove beef tendon meat and cut it into slices. Put it back into the pot. After boiling, add salt seasoning.

    Beef tendon meat can also be cut into pieces and only put half of it back into the soup. The remaining half can be put on the vegetable plate. Add scallions and soy sauce to turn it into a cold dish.

    Stewed Beef Soup

    raw material

    1 large strip of beef tendon meat, 1 onion, 1 carrot, several cloves of garlic, several pieces of onions, a small amount of wine, 1/2 cup (1) soy sauce (or stewed), and appropriate salt, 5-6 pieces of bay leaf


    1. Clean beef tendon and slice it, remove part of vegetable oil (do not throw it, reserve it)

    2. Beef tendon meat thick bottomed non stick pan fried in fire until the surface fades, and the tap water has been reserved for several times

    3. Fry the vegetable oil just removed in a thick bottomed non stick pan, add sliced scallions, garlic, scallions and carrot pieces, pour a small amount of wine, and stir fry them into alcohol to volatilize

    4. Put the food in the third item into the pot with water, boil it and then put in beef tendon meat, bay leaf, ginger slices, add soy sauce or stewed buns. After rolling, close the lid and simmer for 2 hours (I use an electric pottery stove, and coal-bed methane may be quick). After cooking, I like to add salt.

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