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18 Homely Methods of Old Pumpkin

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18 Homely Methods of Old Pumpkin


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:00

    Autumn is the golden season for eating old pumpkins. At this time, the old pumpkins are not only sweet but also rich in nutrients. The golden old pumpkins not only have high use value, but also have the practical effect of various diet treatments for health, beauty, nourishing and health. There are many ways to make old pumpkins, which can be cooked, steamed, or boiled and mashed with wheat flour to make bakeries, fresh noodles, etc. Therefore, old corn steamed buns can not only be used as special snacks, but also as breakfast dinners. So what is the complete collection of old pumpkin's practices?

    1、 Raw materials of steamed bread made of red bean paste and old corn: 200g old pumpkin, appropriate rice flour, appropriate sticky rice flour, appropriate red bean filling, and appropriate sesame seeds.


    1. Peel and seed the old pumpkin, clean and slice it, put water in the pot to boil the old pumpkin, remove the boiled old pumpkin, and then add white granulated sugar to grind it into pumpkin puree while hot.

    2. Add a proper amount of rice flour and sticky rice flour according to the proportion of 1:2, knead them into a smooth paste, prepare proper red bean stuffing in advance and knead them into cherry balls for reservation.

    3. Sprinkle a small amount of sticky rice flour on the cutting board, knead the old pumpkin batter into strips, cut it into a small piece of similar size, take one and knead it round, then press flat to add a red bean filling meatball.

    4. All the old corn steamed buns were made in succession. The corn steamed buns were wrapped with a layer of cooked sesame seeds, and some of them could be decorated into petals with dates and vanilla.

    5. Heat the frying pan slightly, put a thin layer of oil into the old corn steamed bun, fry it until the bottom is cooked, then turn it over and fry it again, fry it until thoroughly cooked, and then take it.

    2、 Raw materials of golden yellow old pumpkin soup: 1 old pumpkin, 300ml milk, 1/2 shallots, white fungus, several medlar seeds.


    1. Peel off the skin of the old pumpkin, dig into the inside and cut a piece of it. Peel off the skin of the onion and cut it into powder for reservation.

    2. Heat the oil in the frying pan, stir fry the onion into aroma first, then put it into the old pumpkin and stir fry it for 3 minutes, wait for the surface of the old pumpkin to become slightly ripe, pour in cold water and burn it with fire, then boil it for 10 minutes with mild fire.

    3. After the old pumpkin is completely cooked and soft, add milk, medlar, salt and black pepper, and then slowly cook it for 5 minutes.

    4. Let stand for 5 minutes after cooking, let the old pumpkin soup cool slightly, and then pour it into the mixer to make the soup.

    3、 Raw materials of jujube, old brown sugar and winter melon: 20 jujube, about 500g old pumpkin and a small amount of old brown sugar.

    How to do it: peel and slice the old pumpkin, then boil it together with the dates until rotten. After about 20 minutes, add the old brown sugar seasoning and take it.

    4、 Raw materials of steamed pumpkin with dense sugar and ginger water: 500g old pumpkin, 50g old rock sugar and 50g pure honey, and appropriate ginger water.

    Method: Clean the surface of the pumpkin, remove the pumpkin pulp and seeds, put ginger water, old rock sugar and pure honey into the hollow of the winter melon, and steam it on the cage drawer for 2 hours.

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