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The process of making ramen

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The process of making ramen


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    People in the northeast of China like to eat noodles very much. They eat noodles every morning, so they always have the name of "south to north" on the land of China. In China, there are many kinds of noodles, among which beef noodles are the most popular. Although beef ramen originated in Shanxi Province, there are many kinds of ramen, including Fuzhou beef ramen, Lanzhou beef ramen, Shanxi ramen, etc. So, what's the whole process of making ramen?


    1. Kneading (using high gluten surface)

    Beef ramen oil: first grade refined edible oil

    Preparation: 500g wheat flour, 4g salt, 2% noodle agent, 250-300g water

    The temperature of kneading water should be determined according to the season, and the temperature should be low in summer, about 10 degrees; 18 degrees in spring and autumn; It's about 25 degrees in winter. Only at a special temperature, the wheat flour often contains protein that does not deform. When it is converted into more noodles, the cassava starch does not melt and is abundant in the middle of the noodles Internet.

    2. Virtual face (wake up)

    Brush the rubbed paste surface with oil, cover it with a wet rag or plastic film to prevent the dry or filmy surface of the batter after the wind blows gently, and then let it stand for a period of time, at least 30 minutes.

    3. Pulled noodles, mixed noodles

    Rub the batter with stretching agent water into strips, shake both sides with both hands, stretch repeatedly, and determine whether it is necessary to carry the stretching agent according to the strength of the stretching batter.

    4. Downpour

    Put the batter on the cutting board, grease it, stretch it gently, then press it on the surface with your hand, push and knead it back and forth to form a circular strip of uniform size, and then pull it into a paste of uniform size and length, cover it with oil paper, and hang it up and down for 5 minutes. You can just start beef noodles.

    5. Beef Noodles

    Sprinkle wheat flour on the cutting board, knead the dough into strips, roll it on the door, such as pulling leek leaves and corrugated noodles, press it all over with your hands, hold both sides of the noodles with both hands, then stretch it, open it, turn the head of the left side to the right side, separate the two sides of the right side, hook the middle of the fresh noodles with the index finger of your right hand and stretch it again, after the fresh noodles become longer, separate the fresh noodles.

    6. Boiled noodles

    Put the pulled noodles into a boiling water pot. The water in the pot should be boiled and wide. When the noodles come up, gently stir them. Boil the noodles and put them into a bowl. The pot for cooking noodles shall be made of refined steel pot, stainless steel steamer and other pots that are not easy to rust.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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