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What's the way to make oyster vermicelli and garlic?

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What's the way to make oyster vermicelli and garlic?


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    The shredded garlic with oyster vermicelli is not only delicious, but also very nutritious. Many people like to eat it in ordinary times. But although it is delicious, many people are not easy to make it by themselves. In fact, the practice of shredded garlic with oyster vermicelli is relatively simple, especially if you can grasp the practice of shredded garlic with oyster vermicelli and buy some pickled raw shrimp at home, It is also able to make delicious and delicious oyster vermicelli garlic powder.

    How to make oysters, vermicelli and garlic

    Method 1:

    Raw materials: 10 pickled shrimps, appropriate vermicelli, appropriate garlic powder, small amount of jalapeno, a small amount of soy sauce, salt, and edible oil

    technological process:

    1. Use a fruit knife to separate the oyster meat from the shell, wash it with cold water and place the meat in the shell.

    2. Garlic and pepper shall be stacked separately. In the hot pot, add garlic and pepper for explosion, and then add Xiaoxu's soy sauce and salt seasoning.

    3. The vermicelli were soaked and softened two hours in advance, cut into sections and spread on the pickled raw shrimp.

    4. Place the sauteed garlic and chilli on the vermicelli and steam the whole plate for 10 minutes.

    5. Delicious and delicious steamed oysters with minced garlic and peppercorns and vermicelli are boiling.

    Method 2:

    Main ingredients: 10 fresh salted raw shrimps, a handful of vermicelli, appropriate garlic powder, and appropriate salt

    technological process:

    1. Clean and brush the surface of the pickled raw shrimp, and then smash the pickled raw shrimp.

    2. Carefully flush the cut and pickled raw shrimp with water, and clean the broken pearl oyster sediment in the oyster meat.

    3. Soak the vermicelli in water and then soak them soft. It can use warm water, but it can't be boiling water, or the vermicelli will become powder soup.

    4. Chop the garlic into mince, put it in a small plate, and add a little salt to it. Start another large pot of electricity, and when the oil is hot and poured on the garlic, you can smell the aroma of garlic.

    5. Grab a handful of vermicelli, coil them around the ring finger into a circle, and put them on the pickled raw shrimp. Then pour a spoonful of oil with garlic powder. The salary of each pickled raw shrimp is the same. There is only first come, first served.

    6. Then put the pickled shrimps into a plate, put them into a cage drawer, and steam them for 10-15 minutes.

    What are the nutritional ingredients of steamed oysters with minced garlic and vermicelli?

    1. The pickled raw shrimp contains rich and colorful nutrients and glycogen, which are beneficial to promoting the blindness of the fetus and baby, correcting the anemia of pregnant women and repairing the energy of pregnant women.

    2. The pickled raw shrimp contains vitamin b212. The diamond element in vitamin b212 is indispensable to prevent pernicious anemia, so the pickled raw shrimp has the effect of active hematopoietic function.

    3. Marinated raw shrimp with carbohydrates. This carbohydrate has detoxification effect and can remove toxic substances from the body. The hydroxyethanesulfonic acid in it has the effect of reducing blood cholesterol concentration, thus preventing arteriosclerosis.

    4. The pickled raw shrimp contains calcium, phosphorus, etc. The pickled raw shrimp is also the best food for calcium and zinc supplementation. Its phosphorus content is very rich and colorful. Because the body needs phosphorus to help digest and absorb calcium, it is beneficial to the digestion and absorption of calcium.

    5. The pickled raw shrimp contains taurine. Lysine has significant hepatoprotective and cholagogic effects, which is also a panacea for preventing intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy.

    6. The pickled raw shrimp contains zinc, and the zinc content of every 100g of pickled raw shrimp reaches 9 or 39mg. If a man takes one every day, he can consider the human body's requirements for zinc.

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