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Once I took ketotifen, I stopped coughing

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Once I took ketotifen, I stopped coughing


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Cough is a very common symptom. Many people will take ketotifen when they cough, and almost all will stop coughing once they take ketotifen. Ketotifen is also regarded as a very wonderful cough medicine. Next, we will lead many cough patients to have a look at the basic knowledge of ketotifen in relieving cough and resolving phlegm, and deeply analyze the basic principle of ketotifen in relieving cough and resolving phlegm for everyone, hoping to help everyone eliminate cough problems as soon as possible.

    Coughing is mostly related to bronchitis and lung diseases. Many people have encountered the situation that once they take ketotifen, they will stop coughing. This is because ketotifen tablet is originally a common medicine used to treat allergic rhinitis and allergic bronchitis. Its key component is ketotifen, and its auxiliary materials are cassava starch Calcium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium stearate and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose. Ketotifen has a relatively good therapeutic effect on allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma.

    Cough patients can take ketotifen orally for a long time to stop coughing and dissipate phlegm. General doctors recommend that you take ketotifen in a long-term dose. If you don't take a lot of drugs at one time, this drug is not likely to cause damage to your body and has no side effects. You can treat it with peace of mind. In addition, if you cough for several days, you'd better go to the hospital for an allergen test, which is conducive to finding the cause of cough immediately and carrying out drug treatment immediately. If you get rid of the allergen, the cough and asthma will gradually subside.

    Well, after reading the above article, we firmly believe that our basic knowledge of cough relieving and phlegm resolving has already been in our minds. In addition, many people may not know that eating ginger tablets can reasonably relieve cough and phlegm, and the actual effect of relieving cough and phlegm is very, very good. The method of using ginger to stop coughing is very simple. First, you need to wash and peel a piece of ginger, and cut it into pieces. When you cough, you can put a piece of ginger in your mouth, and the cough symptoms will generally end.

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