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What are the hazards and taboos of drinking soy milk on an empty stomach

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What are the hazards and taboos of drinking soy milk on an empty stomach


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    With rich and colorful proteins and carbohydrates needed by the body, bean paddles are nutritious and affordable, so they are basically one of the first choice ingredients for breakfast in daily life. In particular, bean paddles have the effect of preventing osteoporosis and beautifying skin, so bean paddles are very popular with everyone, Although the way of drinking soy milk is taboo, what is the harm of drinking soy milk on an empty stomach and the taboo of drinking soy milk.

    1. Injury caused by drinking soymilk on an empty stomach

    People who suffer from indigestion, belching and poor kidney function due to cold bean milk characteristics should drink less soybean milk. In addition, soybean milk will inflate under hydrolysis, so people with abdominal distention and diarrhea should not drink soybean milk. In addition, people with acute gastritis and diffuse superficial gastritis are not suitable to take legumes to prevent excessive stimulating gastric juice metabolism from aggravating the disease or causing flatulence.

    2. Taboos on the way of drinking soy milk

    1.) Do not overcook

    Soybean paddles contain protease inhibitors, and do not reach a high temperature of more than 100 degrees Celsius. Drinking them will cause indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other diseases.

    2.) Don't wash old brown sugar

    The bean paste with old brown sugar tastes sweet, but after the citric acid in the old brown sugar is fused with the protein in the bean paste, it can cause transgenic precipitation, which greatly destroys the nutrients.

    3.) Do not put boiled water bottles

    There are substances in the bean paddles that can remove the dirt in the water bottle. Under the standard of suitable temperature, the bean paddles are used as nutrients, and many bacteria will breed in the bottle. After 3 to 4 hours, the bean paddles will deteriorate and become moldy.

    4.) Don't wash eggs with bean paddles

    The mucilage protein in raw eggs is very easy to fuse with the protease in the bean pulp, resulting in substances that are not digested and absorbed by the body and weakening the nutrients.

    5.) Do not drink with drugs

    Some drugs will destroy the nutrient elements in the bean paddles, such as tetracycline, erythromycin and other antibiotic drugs.

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