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How long does the oyster oven roast

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How long does the oyster oven roast


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In our daily life, many people like to eat oysters very much. Life is a kind of shelled seafood, and most people choose to use fire when eating oysters. Because the daily flavor of baked oysters is very delicious, and they can also add some hot pot dishes such as fans in their daily life, The bigger the pickled shrimp, the better the taste. How long will it take to take to take a test in a powerful electric oven?


    Carbonized oyster is a special food in coastal cities. It is made of fresh salted raw shrimp baked on charcoal. The method of roasting oysters is relatively simple. Just put garlic, ginger foam, sauce and other spices into the salted shrimp that will be smashed soon, and then put them into the fire immediately to cook them. It ensures the freshness of oyster meat to the greatest extent, and also improves the wild goods feeling of oysters. If you make an electric oven at home, you can bake oysters with carbon.

    Frequently asked questions about grilled oysters:

    1. Environmental sanitation

    The pickled raw shrimps are usually roasted on a charcoal fire of more than 100 degrees Celsius, and most of them will kill the bacteria. However, if the oysters are not cleaned, the cooked kebabs are not enough, and you will have diarrhea after eating! Therefore, it is best to find a reliable restaurant to eat. First, the chef has good skills and pays attention to environmental sanitation, so it is not easy to have problems; Second, the quality of oysters is also guaranteed. To be safe, it is better to have some mustard when eating braised oysters, because mustard has the function of disinfection and sterilization.

    To enjoy the original flavor, ice drinks can be used. Pick out the pickled raw shrimp immediately and place it on the ice surface. After the ice penetrates to a certain level, channel it immediately. In addition to preserving the original flavor, the original sweet flavor of the pickled raw shrimp will be aroused and can be left in the throat for a long time. If you still worry about fishy smell, you can add a little lemonade and eggplant juice, so you can still experience its original delicious flavor. If the taste is heavy, you can also add a little red vinegar and chili water. The pickled raw shrimp with chili water has an unexpected taste.

    2. Eating oysters:

    If we pay attention to the gentle and elegant eating method, we can take three steps: the first step is to smell the distinctive and refreshing sea flavor of the salted raw shrimp, and we can also identify the freshness of the oyster meat by using this section. In the future, we can eat oyster meat and drink oyster juice, which is called salted raw shrimp. The second step is to taste a wide variety of pickled raw shrimp. You can eat the salty oyster belly first, then taste the muscle sweetly, and finally be regarded as a delicious skirt.

    3. Unsuitable matters

    If you like to eat raw shrimps, it is not suitable to add raw soy sauce or aged vinegar. Both of them have flavor, which is very easy to overshadow the original flavor of oyster, and the sweet flavor of oyster juice will also be greatly reduced. Conversely, if a little more salt is added, it will have the effect of improving the taste, while white rice vinegar or red vinegar can eliminate the fishy smell.

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