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Efficacy and function of lotus seed and tremella fuciformis decoction

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Efficacy and function of lotus seed and tremella fuciformis decoction


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    White fungus is also a kind of fungal food, and it has good practical effect on women's beauty since ancient times, so most women have the habit of drinking white fungus. When making tremella and lotus seed soup, you can add different nourishing and health food according to your taste. Among them, lotus seed and tremella soup is a favorite dessert for many people. Today, let's have a look at the function and efficacy of lotus seed and tremella soup.

    Nutrient function:

    1. Agaric is sweet in taste and warm in nature. It belongs to the lung, stomach and spleen meridians. It is a traditional high-grade health preserving food and precious medicinal fungus, which has the functions of moistening the lung, relieving cough, tonifying the kidney, relieving cough, resolving phlegm, promoting fluid and thirst, refreshing and nourishing blood, improving brain, whitening and rejuvenating skin, repairing muscle strain, etc. For the elderly and infirm, especially for postoperative patients and pregnant women, the actual effect is particularly significant. It is also true to go yellow and white!

    2. Lotus seeds are sweet, astringent and warm in nature. Return to the spleen, kidney and heart meridians. It has the functions of tonifying the kidney and essence, strengthening the spleen, treating diarrhea, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves, and nourishing the original qi of health.

    3. Lycium barbarum is a common nourishing and health preserving medicine in traditional Chinese medicine. It is calm in nature and sweet in taste. It enters the two channels of the kidney, and has the functions of nourishing the health, nourishing the liver, strengthening the bones and tendons, supplementing qi, nourishing the blood, clearing the eyes, relieving cough and moistening the lungs. It can be used for dizziness caused by kidney weakness, frequent spermatorrhea, cough, vision loss and other diseases.

    1. Choose the tips of white agaric, and the ones with dry, milky white and light yellow, light flowers and glossiness are the best. Choose the ones with light yellow base and white root that are bleached. 2. Choose the lotus seeds with the same size. If you hate the bitter taste, choose the heartless lotus seeds. The lotus seeds have the effect of removing the heart fire. 3. Tremella and lotus seed soup can also be boiled in a common pot for a longer time. It can be boiled to a thick consistency. 4. Those who like to eat clear and sweet can put in a few pieces of old rock candy, so diabetics don't need to put them. 5. Tremella, lotus seed and medlar soup can be drunk while it is hot, or it can be drunk after being put into the refrigerator and iced.

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