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Steamed Steamed Bun with Yogurt

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Steamed Steamed Bun with Yogurt


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Using yogurt to wake up can promote the actual effect of mellow hair, make steamed buns softer, whiten the skin, and taste milky. Such steamed buns have higher nutritional components, which is also very simple to make. Add proper amount of yogurt, add yeast, and then mellow hair. It can be said that the nutritional components of yogurt steamed buns are higher, It can promote the balance of the total production of gastrointestinal probiotic powder, and it is also very effective in preventing constipation and promoting digestion.

    Steamed Steamed Bun with Yogurt

    Main materials: wheat flour 400g auxiliary material yoghurt 200g sugar 2 spoons yeast 1.5g

    technological process

    1. Pour the wheat flour and yeast into the toast bucket, and then add 2 spoons of sugar.

    2. Pour 200ml yogurt

    3. Press the bread machine and dough key for 15 minutes, and then press the dough key again for 15 minutes.

    4. The temperature in the room becomes mellow for 1 hour, the volume increases to twice the original volume, and it will not retract when gently pressed.

    5. Mix with kneading key for 10 minutes, and stir the exhaust pipe until the surface is smooth and clean. Take the paste below and place it on the cutting board.

    6. Rub it into a symmetrical long stick.

    7. Cut into symmetrical dough.

    8. Wipe oil on the cage castor, put the dough germ on the top of the grate, cover it, and wake up for 15 minutes.

    9. Block the area around the cover with a wet cotton towel, shoot SAIC Motor to steam for 15 minutes, and then turn off the ignition. After 5 minutes, open the cover and take down the steamed buns.

    Benefits of Yogurt

    1. Eating yogurt can get rid of the inapplicability of whey protein

    Some people are allergic to whey protein in fresh milk and have diarrhea, bellyache and dyspepsia after eating fresh milk. There is specificity of lactase in fresh yoghurt to promote the dissolution of whey protein and avoid lactose intolerance. Therefore, people with insufficient lactase can take it comfortably.

    2. Yogurt can reduce cholesterol

    Yogurt contains 3-3-hydroxy-3-hydroxyglutaric acid and lactic acid bacteria. Frequent drinking of yogurt can significantly reduce cholesterol, thereby preventing cardiovascular disease in the elderly.

    3. Yogurt can prevent constipation and bacterial infection

    Four Benefits of Yogurt

    The citric acid produced in yoghurt can improve gastrointestinal function, stimulate gastric acid metabolism, and inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells, which has a certain practical effect on cancer treatment.

    4. Yogurt has beauty and skin care effects

    Drinking yogurt often can protect skin, clear eyes, fix teeth and improve hair. The reason is that the rich and colorful calcium in yoghurt is easier to digest and has a high utilization rate, which is beneficial to teeth and bones; Yogurt also has a variety of nutrients, in which vitamin D and vitamin b22 are beneficial to both eyes; The rich and colorful carbohydrate in yogurt is beneficial to hair development; In addition, because yogurt can improve digestion and absorption, avoid constipation, and inhibit the formation and accumulation of harmful substances such as phenol indole and acrylamide compounds in the intestines and stomach, it can avoid somatic cell embrittlement, and make white skin clear and healthy.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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