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Can I drink if I eat durian immediately

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Can I drink if I eat durian immediately


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  • 2024-05-25 23:01:46

    Very few people like to eat durian in China, which is related to the price and taste of durian. Many people will smell a serious odor when they go to the durian monopoly area, and will have resistance if they eat it again. In fact, durian has many benefits. Among many fruits, durian can be a nutrient rich fruit, and its benefits to different people are different. Women will have more obvious effects after eating it. However, we should pay attention to the relevant taboos when eating durian. Can we drink when eating durian immediately?

    Durian cannot be eaten with wine: because wine and durian are both hot and dry things, if diabetics eat both together, it will lead to vascular obstruction, serious vascular explosion, stroke, and should not be eaten. Durian is a hot fruit, so you should not drink alcohol within nine hours after eating durian.

    Drinking after eating durian is really dangerous to death. The sulfur component in durian can greatly reduce the activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase. Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase is very important to clean up alcohol toxin. If you drink alcohol after eating durian, the metabolism of liver to alcohol will be affected, which will easily lead to alcoholism, and even death in serious cases. You can't drink soda immediately after eating durian, because soda will make durian swollen and cause indigestion. In addition, durian contains very high calories and sugar. Obesity and diabetes patients should eat less or not, otherwise it will aggravate the condition.

    Taboos of durian:

    1. Durian cannot be eaten with warm food, such as beef, mutton, dog meat and seafood. Because these foods are hot and dry, eating them together will cause inflammation or other diseases or induce previous diseases.

    2. Obese people should eat less because durian contains high calories and sugar.

    3. Nephropathy patients and heart disease patients should not eat durian, because durian contains high potassium.

    4. In addition, patients with skin diseases and friends with laryngitis, asthma and tracheitis should not eat durian, which will aggravate their condition.

    5. Eating durian will worsen the condition of people with hot gas constitution, sore throat, cough, cold, yin deficiency constitution, and sensitive trachea, which is not beneficial to the body and should not be eaten.

    6. When you eat durian, you must not drink white wine, because both wine and durian are hot substances. If you eat them together, the blood vessel pressure in the body will increase, and sometimes the blood vessel will burst. Scientists have confirmed that if you eat durian and white wine at the same time, the incidence of stroke can increase by more than 80%.

    7. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients cannot eat durian, because this fruit will embolize the blood vessels in the human body, so that patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can join, and sometimes there will be vascular rupture and death.

    Can I drink immediately after eating durian? From the explanation of the article, we can know the answer. When eating durian, you can't drink any more. Of course, some experts have analyzed this question, but the answer is the opposite. It is mainly from the patient's physical condition, and also related to the amount of drinking. There is no discomfort in your health. After eating durian, you can drink a little wine properly. You must follow the doctor's requirements, or your health will be damaged.


    2024-05-25 23:01:46

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