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Harm of Dry Mulberry Soaking in Water

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Harm of Dry Mulberry Soaking in Water


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:00

    In our daily life, there are many different fresh fruits, including the black mulberries that we often use. In the whole process of eating black mulberries, people will also bring us a lot of trouble when eating black mulberries. Generally, people will dye their hands and mouths gray and black, which will cause us a lot of trouble, Therefore, according to the method of soaking and drinking the mulberry, we can digest and absorb the nutrient elements in the black mulberry.

    Disadvantages of Dry Mulberry Soaking in Water

    There is no harm in soaking dry mulberry in water. Black mulberry itself is a pure natural health care product. It has many benefits for human body. Even after it is dried in the air, at most part of the nutrients are drained, which will not be harmful to human body. However, because black mulberries belong to cold food, if too much tea is used, diarrhea may occur for people with weak spleen and stomach. In addition, the tannins in black mulberries are not good for children's growth and development, so do not give children dry mulberry water every day.

    Function of dry mulberry soaking in water

    Disease prevention

    Mulberry is sweet and cold, and has the functions of promoting fluid and thirst, tonifying yin and blood, tonifying qi, clearing liver, fire and kidney, locking essence and nourishing fetus, black beard and hair, hearing ears and eyes, preventing aging, calming the nerves, helping sleep and nourishing the mind, promoting digestion, walking hard, relieving deficiency wind, clearing deficiency heat, benefiting bone joints, eliminating rheumatism, and sober up. It is commonly used to treat diabetes, dizziness due to kidney yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, insomnia and tinnitus, body fluid deficiency, rheumatism, constipation, physical weakness, early whitening of hair and whiskers, neurasthenia, etc. In addition, modern scientific research also shows that black mulberry has six major health care functions, including anti-cancer and anti chemical mutagenesis, improving immunity, protecting the kidney and liver, improving the face and delaying aging, promoting the growth and development of hematopoietic cells, and reducing blood sugar and blood sugar.

    Anti aging

    Mulberry has a variety of specific ingredients, which can regulate the immune function of the body and promote the growth and development of hematopoietic cells. It can reduce blood sugar, blood fat and blood pressure by soaking mulberry in water. Black mulberries are widely used in clinical medicine, and have key practical significance for the rehabilitation of the middle-aged and elderly and the prevention of aging. Relevant experiments show that the decline of the body is closely related to the effect of lipid peroxidation caused by oxygen free radicals. Mulberry juice can reasonably reduce cholesterol, resist lipid peroxidation, and has antioxidant, anti-aging, skin care, beauty and skin care functions according to the improvement of immune function.

    Avoid suitable groups of dried mulberry soaked in water

    Suitable group: dry mulberry soaked in water is especially suitable for those with insufficient kidney yin and blood, young people who are white, and those with deficiency of qi and blood, weak and sickly body, and habitual constipation after illness. Basin friends suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia and bone and tendon pain; Women with amenorrhea and irregular menstruation; The middle-aged and elderly with weak constitution and insufficient qi and blood; Edema constitution personnel; Diabetes, irritable heat of lung and stomach; Why don't those who often feel dizzy, tinnitus, palpitations, or irritability and insomnia often drink dried mulberry bubble water.

    Taboo group: teenagers and children should not eat more mulberries, because mulberries contain more protease inhibitor tannic acid, which will affect the body's digestion and absorption of iron, calcium, zinc and other substances; People with spleen deficiency and loose stools are also not suitable for eating black mulberries. Black mulberries are cold, which can easily aggravate diarrhea symptoms; Black mulberries produce dampness and phlegm, and honey has high sugar content, so diabetic patients should not eat more; Not suitable for black mulberry allergy

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